Saturday, August 04, 2012

Summer swimming

This week has flown by, I can't believe the weekend is already in full swing. Brian left on his big Timberline hike and should get back tomorrow night, 40 miles around the base of Mt. Hood. It's the same one he did last year when I was 9 months pregnant. So yeah, I'm super happy I'm not 9 months pregnant this time because that made me nervous.
Grammy came up to stay with us and I'm definitely excited to have the help. Plus I think Grammy and I are going to get a little shopping in :)

We have done a lot of swimming this week at our friends' house. Randi is very sweet to have us over whenever we want to take a dip.

 Bria absolutely loves the water and wants to swim every day, all day. You think it would wipe her out but she still isn't napping and still waking up early, silly girl.
Reese has reached a new level of attitude and when she gets mad, she screams and cries until she gets exactly what she wants. The past two days she has also decided to scream in her crib instead of nap. Awesome.
I am super tired so I can't remember what else to write about, I'll be back when I get some rest...or at least when I've had some coffee :)

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