Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A different view

Reese is such a strong little peanut. Well, she's not that much of a peanut considering she's in the 90th percentile for height! I shouldn't be surprised to have tall children since Brian is 6'2, but since I'm a shorty it's crazy my daughters are tall. She was in the 35th-40th for weight, and she has deliciously chunky thighs :)
Anyway, Reese has decided that laying down and rolling and scooting is getting boring so she wanted a different view of the world...

"Whoa, you look different from this angle Mom."

"Why are you so excited? You're weird Mom."

She's getting better and better at it each day. Exciting stuff. Kind of, that also means time is flying by at lightning speed. My little baby is almost 5 months. Sigh.

Reese is absolutely enthralled with Bria, she LOVES her. Bria can just look at her and she'll giggle and squeal and smile so big. It is one of the best things ever. I usually follow Bria around the house asking her to make Reese laugh.
This right here people, this is pure happiness. I love my girls.

I'm a happy mama.

1 comment:

Kris and MaLanie said...

I remember those adorable pajamas!! Reese is such an overachiever. What a smart and talented baby. Bria and Reese are beautiful and so are you Mama!!