Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Cabin Fever

So we went to a cabin this weekend, it was my friend Erin's Grandparents cabin on the McKenzie River. The cabin was so nice and cozy and the fire was going all weekend which I loved.
We drove down Friday and went for a nice walk on a trail. Bria is pretty funny, she was in no hurry, she enjoyed looking at all the trees, and branches, and leaves and took her sweet little time. While Gabe took off and walked faster than I do normally! So while Bria and I were in back I decided to do squats so at least I was getting some exercise ;)

The kids getting ready for bed.

Saturday we headed to Mt. Hoodoo to go sledding. We actually didn't go to Hoodoo, it was right across from there, but they have a great little hill you can climb up and go down and tons of little hills.
We stopped by Sahalee Falls and it was so pretty.


The Woods'

Bria was not a fan of sledding at first so she just rolled around in the snow.
And tackled Daddy :)

Finally Daddy made a tiny slope for her and had her go down like a slide, which she liked. Then we put her in the sled and did it and she still liked it. So we gradually moved up to a bigger hill.

She's definitely my cautious one! But I'm glad she warmed up to it and she was having a blast.
We ate our lunch, drank some hot chocolate, and hung out on the back of the Woods' truck.
We finally packed up and headed back to the cabin so the kids could nap.
That evening we all hung out and relaxed and Sunday morning we packed up and headed out. It was a fun way to spend the weekend and a nice little getaway.
And the kids were zonked out ;)

Here are some fun videos from sledding:
And here is one of Brian and Jimmy sledding down the big hill. Brian is first in the orange coat and Jimmy comes after him. After watching Brian go down you can see why Erin and I opted out ;)

We had a great time. We did however come back with colds which has not been fun. My house is an absolute mess and I'm not sure when I'm going to clean it, I'm too tired and sick and so is Brian. All our energy is going into taking care of Bria, which I haven't been doing while I've been writing this blog so I better go! Happy Wednesday :)

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