Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just some stuff

Happy Valentine's Day (2 days late). We took it easy this year and sat at home and watched The Bachelor :) I became addicted last season and am hooked. Brian's a good husband and made fun of the girls with me. Although most Monday nights he works to avoid the drama that is the Bachelor.
Bria got to wear her Valentine's dress from last year and I was so excited to put it on her, even though we didn't go anywhere.
Here she is last year:
My barely there hair baby :)

Whoa, someone got extensions ;) Or a crazy MacGruber wig. The Valentine's dress was still big enough on her to be a dress so maybe she can wear it a third year as a shirt!

Funny quotes:
Brian moved Bria's little Princess chair and apparently Bria did not like this because she said the following to him, in a very stern and enthusiastic voice:
"No Daddy! You're driving me NUTS!"

We died laughing. It was one of those moments where we should have maybe not laughed and told her that's not nice to say, but it was too funny.

Bria is starting to get pretty good at expressing her feelings. She was hungry as we were leaving Target and I told her we'd be home soon to eat dinner. I could tell this did not make her happy.
"Mommy, I'm gonna cry."
"Oh honey, don't cry. I'm sorry you're hungry, we're going home to eat dinner."
"Ok. I'm happy now Mom."

That's her thing, if you are able to calm her down she'll say, "I'm happy now."

However, this girl is DRAMA. With a capitol D. When something doesn't go her way or when she wants something: She will cry and throw herself on the ground.
I can't tell you what this does to my patience. I am working so hard to stay calm but it's so hard. Seriously, I think we're getting a glimpse into her teen years and I am beyond terrified.

We did get a fun little surprise this morning. It snowed! Like big HUGE snow flakes. When Bria woke up I went in and opened her window so she could see and she was so happy. I threw on a coat and her snow boots and let her run out back. She was in heaven.

She did not want to come back in but I'm a mean mom and didn't want her to freeze, plus I wanted her to have some breakfast. This resulted in a huge dramatic tantrum and next time I'll just let her play a little longer. Lesson learned.

Bria's party is on Saturday at my Mom's house and I got a bunch of TinkerBell decorations for it. I'm so excited, I think she is going to love it.

And for some incredibly exciting news, Lance is in the States!!!! He just arrived in Mississippi this morning and we could not be more thrilled. He should be in Oregon in about a week and a half or so and I just simply cannot wait. It's going to be so good to see him and give him a hug. It feels like I haven't seen him in years! These last 11 months went by kind of slow.

Alright, that's the update for now, happy hump day :)


Jeannie @ Living Loving Crafting said...

She is too funny!!! I'm looking forward to them saying some of the craziest things that make me fall on the floor laughing!

Anonymous said...

I love her wild rockstar hair!

Brandi said...

Bria's personality cracks me up! A little Monica for sure ;o) And have a fabulous birthday party- I can't wait to see the pictures!

Jenny said...

so the throwing herself on the floor because she doesn't get her way doesn't sound familiar? Does OSU cheerleading tryouts or milk-less fridge ring a bell? No? Okay just checking;)

Lulu said...

I have no idea what you speak of Jenny. I am mature and handle things maturely. :)