Monday, August 02, 2010

What is taking so long?

Would you like me to help you picture just how impatient I am? Our house has been on the market for 1 week. We had a realtor viewing last week and an open house yesterday. I am SERIOUSLY annoyed that we have had no interest in our house. I thought for sure my phone would be ringing off the hook with people wanting to look at our house and then make an offer. After all, we cleaned and cleaned and organized and sprayed good smelling stuff so why wouldn't they want to buy our house? Seriously, someone buy our now :)

I think Bria's virus is gone which is great. She is still sleeping a little wonky (meaning she is not sleeping 12 hours at night with a 2 hour nap) and is clingy, but she still may be recovering. Yesterday was quite a day, Bria was absolutely impossible to please. Brian and I were both at our wits end. She was put in time out multiple times and this was our first day trying time out. She does not get the concept so she doesn't stay in the spot we put her, maybe it's too early? Who knows, but I had to think of some way to calm her down yesterday...and give me some time to calm down because wow, she was testing every last bit of patience I was born with. I know she was tired because we went boating on Saturday and she only took a 45 minute nap on the boat and then went to bed late and woke up at her normal time, but still, she was sooooo cranky!

Today she fell asleep while eating lunch. I WISH I had the camera because it was hilarious. She was eating her crackers and her eyes were slowly closing. Then she eventually just laid her head down on the table and closed her eyes. Don't worry, I didn't leave her there, I carried her up to bed where she promptly zonked out.


Investigating the camera case and wondering where the camera went.

"Oh Mom, you have it!"

"Why can't I have it?"

"Here, let me get closer."

"Mom, I'm being patient, can I please have the camera?"

"The world is over! I need that camera NOW!"

I finally gave her the camera to play with.

"K, thanks for letting me play with it. Was that so hard?"


Kris and MaLanie said...

Love these series of pictures! Bristol does the exact same thing when she wants my cell phone. I hope you can sell your house soon!!

Lindsay said...
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Lindsay said...

I hope interest in the house picks up soon.