Friday, August 06, 2010

Crazy times

We went to Gabe's first birthday party on Wednesday night and Bria had so much fun running around with all the kids and playing with all Gabe's toys. It was a perfect evening for a party and delicious food everywhere.

Stopping to cheese for mommy

Gabe watching the kids play while eating his dinner

Erin and Gabe

Bubbles everywhere!

I think she likes bubbles :)

Bria not eating but enjoying sitting at the kids table

"Why did you put a cherry tomato on my plate? And a strawberry? You know I don't eat anything that grows in the ground."

"Seriously, I'm not going to eat this."

The birthday boy making a wish

It's about to get crazy for the Holcomb's. Brian's first day at Intel is fast approaching and thus will begin a crazy month for us. Heather and Amy have generously offered to let us stay with them for a little while so we have time to find a place (and fingers crossed sell our house!). So we'll pack up our essentials and head up to Portland where we'll stay for a week. Then Brian is flying to Arizona for 2 weeks for training and since I love Arizona and have family there, Bria and I are going to join him :) We get to hang out with my grandma for a week and soak in the hotness that is Arizona. I can't wait!
Then once we get back we'll move a few more things up to Portland and apartment hunt. So I feel like we'll be kind of homeless for awhile just because we won't be settled quite yet. But we'll make it work and it's all worth it in the end.
We did have someone come look at the house which is exciting. I cleaned and cleaned while Kayla watched Bria and then Bria and I made cookies so the house would smell good. I'm hoping they like it and want to make us a great offer...and yes I realize I'm being incredibly optimistic. I can't help it.


Unknown said...

She is too cute!! Love the sundress. :)

Brandi said...

I am so excited for your move! I am sure your house will sell soon- the smell of cookies will certainly seal the deal ;o)

Lindsay said...

I hope you all get an offer soon! Have fun in AZ!