Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rocking chairs and B's

So Brian has 8 weeks of classes left, and this time it really is the end. After this he will be DONE!!! He's working really hard each night and I'm so proud of him. Trying to do homework while your wife and baby are laughing and having fun can't be easy.
Neither can listening to your baby cry while your wife complains to you that she needs a break...not that I've ever done that.

In 9 weeks we will be heading to Shasta for a family vacation and I'm really excited. My whole fandamily is going and we rented a house boat! Usually when we go we camp so it'll be fun to be right on the lake and in the middle of all the fun. Not sure where we are going to put Bria yet, none of the rooms are big enough to put Bria's pack 'n play. That sucks because she does really well in her pack 'n play. She does not do well sleeping with us, I've tried a few times for naps and she has none of it. Hopefully we can figure out something that will make it so we all have fun. I'd feel bad if everyone had to listen to Bria scream all night because she was annoyed that we were in her personal space or that we were breathing on her.

Bria is loving little rocking chairs. They have two at the library and she spends her time climbing in and out of them so I knew we needed one at home. Lucky for us Grammy M. had one that has been in the family for a long long time, so not only is it adorable, it has sentimental value.

And Bria loves it.

"Does my butt look big Mom?"

So proud of herself.

Reading intently...my little bookworm.

I mentioned that I had ordered Bria a "B" bow holder and I finally remembered to snap a picture of it.

I just love it. It fits the decor in her room perfectly and it's so nice to have all her bows in one area. Plus it's freakin adorable.


Marissa said...

I know exactly how excited you are for Brian to be done with school. Not to rub it in but I will have my husband and baby daddy back in two weeks!!! It has been a long two years and I'm so looking forward to hime being done and able to spend his freetime as he pleases, which means more time with me and Brooklyn :)

Bria is at such a fun age I bet you are having the time of your life! She is just too darn cute :)

Lindsay said...

Very cute bow holder!

Brandi said...

Such a big girl! And I totally want a bow holder like that for me ;o)

Sarah C said...

I've heard good things about the Bjorn travel crib being much "trimmer" than a pnp.