Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Have I mentioned I love this age?

Because I do.
I'm terrified of the terrible two's, especially with my temper-mental little Bria, so I am soaking this age in as best I can. She is talking so much and loves to try and mimc anything we say. The other day we were sitting on the couch and she was "reading" a book to me. She found a tiny picture of Elmo, pointed to him and in the cutest voice you ever heard said, "Elmo." I about fainted. It is such a cute little sound and she says it so clearly.

We walk around everywhere, meaning she hangs onto the tip of my finger as we walk all over the place. The girl seriously does not need me but as soon as she feels my finger start to slip she sits down. Gotta work on her confidence, she needs to be like her father in that way. 
She walks on her own every so often, but it's hard to coax her sometimes. Last night she had a bite of a chocolate chip cookie for the very first time (assuming her grandparents haven't snuck them in...I wouldn't put it past them ;) and holy cow the girl was hooked. I had given it back to Brian and she walked right over to him to get more. We both couldn't believe it, guess it takes a chocolate chip cookie to get this girl walking. And when we asked her to say cookie she said it perfectly. Oh my stars.

Cheezing it up for the camera.

She is growing and growing so big. The girl has the biggest belly you've ever seen and when you ask her where it is she sticks it out and lowers her chin to her chest, HILARIOUS. I'll have to grab a picture of that. 

Love this picture, wish it wasn't blurry...and that there wasn't a BK cup in the background, or a dirty towel above my head ;)

She is very good at shaking her head no and when she does I turn to her and say, "Yes," so she starts nodding her head yes and smiles. I'm going to enjoy that little trick while I can.
She does not like when I tell her no. She throws a mini fit and it's not cute, my little spunky monkey.

Hello Miss Blue eyes!

But she is still the sweetest cuddle bug. When we ask for a hug she'll lean in and say, "Ohhhh," since apparently we always make that noise when she hugs us. She also gives the best kisses ever, and my favorite is when she kisses without us asking. It makes my heart melt. She totally exaggerates the kissing noise, "Muah!" and I love it.
She use to hate when Brian and I kissed, I think she got jealous. But now she giggles and thinks it's so funny that mommy and daddy are kissing. 

Making silly faces.

Bria does not lack facial expressions that's for sure. She is always making silly faces to get us to laugh and pay attention to her, my little ham. I can't help but laugh.

She loves the alphabet song and tries to sing along while dancing. She totally gets her sweet moves from me ;) 


Marissa said...

That's too precious. Sounds like she's already got quite the vocabulary.

I've made a mental note that I want to write down the first several words Brooklyn says. It will be fun to look back and see that random word you wouldn't have expected her to say. My friends daughter's first real word was movie, ha ha.

Danielle said...

Bria is just so cute!! I love this stage too. Isn't it funny the things they copy? You don't even notice you are doing it!

Brandi said...

Sweet little Bria will never be a terrible two! She's too stinking cute!

Carly said...

awww look at that munchkin, and I LOVE the pic of the 2 of you!

Anonymous said...

She is sooo adorable!!!

By the way, did you see that the cast from Eclipse is going to be on Oprah next week? (I want to say May 8th maybe?) I'm so excited for the movie....

flojat said...

I love every one of these adorable pictures!!