Saturday, February 13, 2010

A night out

We are still recovering but each day Bria is more herself and smiles and laughs. She is less and less clingy and more and more independent, although I don't think she would object if I held her all day long.
Bria will be 11 months old for just one more week, which means I can't say she's a baby for much longer. Soon she'll be walking and I'll have a toddler and that is just plum crazy. Bria doesn't seem interested in walking by herself these days, and truthfully I'm ok with that. I know with walking comes more bumps and bruises and I'm so not ready for that, so for now crawling will be just fine.
Someone is ready for summer :)

"Who me?"

"I want dat!"

Giving loves to Thumper

I had a wonderful moms night out last night and it was soooo what I needed. I've felt incredibly stressed and anxious for 2 weeks so going out with a bunch of moms felt really nice. Brian stayed home with Bria and for the first time since she was born he put her down for bed all by himself. Brian was not worried at all...I was a little anxious about it. But my fears vanished when he texted me at 7:27 pm saying all was well. Whew! Slowly but surely I'll let go of my anxiety. It helps that Brian is such a good Dad. He really likes their time alone together and I know Bria has fun with him.

We aren't really doing anything for Valentine's day this year. Today we may go shopping and have some fun with part of our tax money, but that's about it. It is Bria's first Valentine's so maybe we'll get her a little something :)


The Beavers said...

Mom's night out is far a few between these days but SO needed! I'm so glad you took some time for yourself!!!

Carly said...

she is ADORABLE!!!!

Sarah C said...

She looks so much happier hon, I'm so glad for you both!