Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's my party...

Warning: There are an obscene amount of pictures in this post, I'm talking LOADS of pictures. Probably hundreds. Maybe more. And I'm not even posting half of them. We like pictures.
You were warned.

Bria's 1st birthday party went wonderfully and I could not be more excited and relieved. Our families helped in every way they could and definitely saved the day. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, sunny and in the 60's. Perfect for a birthday party.

The birthday girl!
She was still napping as guests arrived so when she woke up to a house full of people it took her awhile to wake up and have fun :)

I had a mini meltdown when Bria's cake was a disaster, I don't just mean that it was a little bit of a mess, I mean it was a complete pile of messy cake. I used a new recipe and it's a healthier cake, but it was so moist and heavy that getting out of the pan caused it to break into pieces. We salvaged it a little and then tried to frost it and it was getting worse and worse by the minute. Finally I had to leave the kitchen because I was so frustrated (plus Bria was waking up from her nap). Brian and Anna (my stepmom) saved the day and made a pile of cake become an adorable little rectangle cake for Bria. Thank you!!!

The salvaged cake

After that little bit of drama everything went smooth. It only took Bria an hour and a half to warm up to so many people and it was the present opening that did it, the girl loves her some presents :)

Everyone socializing and enjoying themselves (hopefully!)

We rearranged our furniture for the party but we might keep it this way, it's kind of nice.

Just some decorations

Funny side note about the picture up on the tv: When we were on the Blazer Stunt team we had a photo shoot and held up all sorts of signs so they could make cards with our pictures. Well we put up a picture of Brian and our coach, Linus, holding up a happy birthday sign. It was hilarious and awesome.

It was so awesome having our family and close friends there to help us celebrate this big occasion. Bria clung to me for the first half but then I was able to distract her and run away so I could try and socialize with everyone. She's definitely a mama's girl these days so she needed cuddles from me every few minutes.
It's a wonderful feeling to know that some hugs from me helps her feel better.

She definitely enjoyed all her balloons.

Chillin' with Aunt Heather and taking everything in.

But then she needed cuddles again, darn ;)

Playing with her Aunt and cousins, from left: Cassidy (my half sister so that means she is Bria's aunt), Jaidyn, and Kailey

My sister Jaime (on the left) is holding my cousins little girl Bristol, then my mom, then my sister Jenny (in yellow). Bristol was so stinkin' cute, she is such a happy baby and she would let anybody hold her. Such a cute little peanut.

"Are all these people here for me?"

Family photo

Snuggling with G'ma & G'pa Brooks

We kept it casual and got some pizzas and then had a bunch of appetizers and cupcakes for everyone to enjoy. I made a video of Bria's first year so we showed that (I am trying to upload it to blogger but of course it's giving me problems, hopefully in the next few days I can get it to work), then ate, opened presents, and of course gave Bria her first taste of delicious cake.

Bria loved opening presents and was such a ham. She loved all the clothes, bows, and toys and I can't believe how much she made out with, the girl is spoiled!

Showing everyone her new headband

"This present opening is exhausting. I'm going to put my foot up and just rest."

Then it was cake eating time! At first she picked off the pink polka dot frosting pieces but soon dug in and enjoyed herself quite a bit. Of course, when it was time to clean up she freaked out and let everyone get a glimpse of crabby Bria. But as soon as I was done she was fine and that is why we refer to her as a drama queen :)

Blowing out her candle

These 2 pictures (above and below) are out of order. The one above is when we were cleaning her up, she was not happy. But, it was her party and she could cry if she wanted to.

Enjoying her chocolate cake.

"I just need to cuddle with my mommy for a minute."

Kailey, Porter, and Rebecca playing ball out back. It was a GORGEOUS day out.

Chillin' outside with Dad

Grammy M. and Bria

"Where's Bria's tongue?"

"Where are Bria's toes?"

"Where's Bria's ear?"

"Where's Bria's eye?"

"That was a fun party Mom, let's do it again."

I could not be more thrilled with how the day turned out. It was so much fun and it was even more perfect than I had envisioned.
Thank you to our friends and family for making it such a memorable day, you all are the reason it was such a wonderful day. We love you sooo much.
And thank you to everyone for all the birthday wishes, I got all teary eyed at all the people who wished Bria a happy birthday, she is truly a loved little girl.

And since I did what I said I was going to do yesterday: enjoy it and have fun!
I now will go curl in a ball and cry that my baby is 1. She is growing up so fast.


Amy said...

what a great party for Bria! i'm glad she had such a great time. i can't believe she's one already.

p.s. i love your pink shirt!

Anonymous said...

Aww, looks like she had a great day!!! Natalie's bday had awesome weather, too. It was like 70's in November!! It was great. :)

I love the family pic of the three of you, and all those Bria snuggle pictures are to die for!

Unknown said...

It looks like Bria had a great 1st bday party!! She's definitely a very loved little girl!! Wish I could have been there.

Kristin said...

Love the pics! It looks like she had a wonderful birthday!:)

Jeannie @ Living Loving Crafting said...

Happy Birthday Bria!! So sweet!
(your shirt is adorable!!)

Anonymous said...

Awww!!! I loved ALL the pictures. Happy Birthday, Bria!

Kari said...

I loved all the pics! I can't believe she's a year either. That means only 2 1/2 months til mine is 1. Where did the time go???

Steph said...

Happy birthday Bria!! She looked so cute, I love her little skirt! It looks like a great party.

Shannon said...

Happy 1st Birthday Bria! I love the story about the cake, thats actually a cute memory :)

You look beautiful in the pics and Bria is such a doll!

Amy said...

Looks like it was a wonderful party for your baby...

ps... i love the how your shirt and bria's skirt matched:)

and...the picture of Brian and Linus on your big screen- how did you do that???

flojat said...

What a great party! You're little girl looked so sweet!

mrslrob1 said...

Lindsey & Brian, Thanks for including MaLanie and Bristol in all of the fun and for being so good to them. Kris and Lanie haveso much fun with you and enjoy getting together with you. You dress our grand daughter so cute. Thanks for sharing with them. Happy Birthday Bria. You are so cue and look like your Mom and Aunts did when they were little.

Carly said...

my heart can barely handle this post- everything is so adorable. Bria is gorgeous just like her mama. Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Sarah C said...

Looks like a fantastic day, and I'm thrilled the weather was so nice!

I adore her outfit, and your shirt is so cute and sassy!

Unknown said...

what GREAT pictures!!! Bria looked adorable and you looked gorgeous! nice job, Mama!

Lindsay said...

I LOVE her offit. Super cute!! The party looks like a blast.

Steph said...

Happy belathed birthday to Bria! I love her outfit. Too cute!