Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Feeding the ducks

I am under the weather so this post will be more boring than usual, just FYI.

The other weekend we went to the park to feed the ducks and take advantage of the beautiful sun that decided to come out.

It was still chilly so we bundled Bria up, I of course still stressed whether she was warm enough. I think she enjoyed watching the ducks and looking at the trees, she loves pointing to trees.

This last weekend Bria had a fever of 103.6 and I was really worried. Friday night was rough for her (and us), she was up quite a few times and at 3 am we couldn't get her to calm down. We ended up going downstairs and turning the tv on for a distraction to try and calm her down. Once the motrin kicked in she calmed down and was much happier. She still woke up a few times but she was at least consolable. She hasn't slept good since then. Not sure if it's teeth or what but I hope it goes away fast. She acts pretty normal during the day, sometimes she gets cranky but she still smiles and laughs. Last night it was every hour until midnight, then she did a good 3 hour stretch. I am baffled. It's probably because I blogged about how she's usually a good night sleeper, darn jinx.

I'm gonna try and rest even though I should clean our house and do some laundry.


Amy said...

she looks so cute all bundled up! your hair is so cute! hope you feel better soon!

Kari said...

We've been experiencing the same thing with Gena. She was an awesome sleeper, and now that she's teething, we're in misery!

Cala said...

Bosten has been the exact way!! High fever, fine all day then up all night. he is getting his last two teeth... Gotta LOVE teething!! :)

Kris and MaLanie said...

I'm sorry that you and Bria have been sick! Not much fun taking care of a sick baby especially when you don't feel well yourself. Hope you both get better soon!