Monday, April 20, 2009

2 Months Old

Our neighbors went to California and brought back Thumper (from Bambi) for Bria, wasn't that so thoughtful?

Bria is 2 months old today! Each week is getting more fun and I love having her personality show through. Here are some milestones:

Mimics-Around 6 weeks she started watching us stick out our tongue and she would do it too.
Found her hands-She found her hands around 7 weeks and loves to stick them in her mouth, especially her right hand. She searches for her thumb and has been successful a few times.
Squeals-She squeals with delight at her mobile, play mat, or if you talk to her and I just love it.

It is amazing how my anxiety level has gone down now that I feel I can tell the difference between her cries. I think that was one of the reasons the first few weeks were so hard, I had no idea what she was telling me when she cried so I felt I couldn't soothe her or fix the problem. Now I know the difference between her tired cry and hungry cry and her pick me up cry. She is smiling a lot more which is fun, she does this huge eye-wrinkle smile and it just melts my heart.
One of my favorite moments between Bria and Brian happened yesterday. I had fed and burped her and she spit up all over me, so I handed her to Brian so I could clean up a bit. He sat in her rocking chair with her and started reading to her. She got so calm and relaxed that she fell asleep after 1/2 hour, it was just adorable. I am kicking myself for not taking a picture but he assured me there would be many more times.

My favorite thing is after she is fed and burped, you can lay her on a blanket and just talk to her. She'll smile and smile and try to talk back which is such a treat. I haven't captured a perfect video of this but the following will do for now:

My work thing went awesome, better than I could have imagined. My boss said she wasn't surprised and she was wondering if I wouldn't decide to stay home. She was so sweet and said she was so happy for me that I could stay home. She said she was really sad but completely understood, as do my co-workers. She even helped me work out my official quit day so I could keep the insurance as long as possible. I am really going to miss her and some of my co-workers, they made it a fun place to work. But I am so excited to be staying home with Bria.

The weather is beautiful today and is suppose to reach 80! We've already gone for a walk and shot some hoops, and I think I'm going to lay out back for a bit while Bria is taking a nap. I love the sun.


G'pa said...

OMG! She is the cutest thing in the WORLD!!!

G'pa A

Julia said...

So, big and so pretty. Doesn't it just fly by Lindsey? You look FANTASTIC by the way. I love her little hair bows. She is just precious.

L said...

Yay for getting to be a SAHM. It's the best Job ever! Wow 2 months already, she is just adorable!

Danielle said...

Love the video!! She is so alert. What a cutie!!

Brandi said...

Oh my GOSH. That video is so stinking cute! We have to chat again soon!!!! I miss her already ;o)

Kris and MaLanie said...

She just keeps getting cuter and cuter! I love her cheeks. I'm glad that everything went well with work. I can't wait to join you as a SAHM. Hasn't the weather been just amazing?!

Shannon said...

I love the video, she is so adorable!

And Im really glad things went good at work, congrats on officially becoming a SAHM!