Friday, April 10, 2009


I knew it, I knew as soon as I blogged about our awesome routine and her awesome sleep schedule that it was all going out the window and sure enough it did. Ugh. So I don't think I'll be blogging about that anymore, it's just not worth it.
She went back to waking up every 3 hours (which I realize is still good) at night and her naps are all random. I wish I could just go with the flow and be all flexible, but I CRAVE schedules and routines so I am having a hard time adjusting to it. But I am trying.
The good news is we have gone for a walk every day this week except for yesterday (it was raining) which makes me very happy. It feels wonderful to get out.
One of the cool things that Bria has done this last week is mimic me. I was doubting myself when she first started doing it, but I know for sure she is copying me. I will click my tongue or stick it out and she loves that, she will get this great big smile on her face and it is so precious. Then she'll start playing with her tongue and watching me intently. It is one of the funnest games ever, I just love seeing her smile and learn.

This Easter will be her first Easter, how exciting. Brian and I got her a little pink bucket with flowers on it, 6 pairs of socks, and a little Rabbit book. She only has a couple books so I am looking to build that collection. Anyway, obviously she has no concept of Holidays or gifts, but it's fun for Brian and I.

Brian is really busy this term with his 2 classes and it sucks. He comes home from work and does homework until he goes to bed. I'm so proud of him, but I cannot wait until he's done. This school stuff is exhausting for both of us! That reminds me, did I mention what a blessing his new shift is? It is a huge blessing and answer to our prayers and we are both so grateful. It allows him to be home more which is wonderful. We are just so thankful.

Hanging out with mommy in her adorable outfit with matching butterfly shoes and headband:

I love the little sandals!

This picture is blurry but I caught another smile, I wish I could catch her really big ones!

"It wasn't me, I swear."

She loves looking up at the mobile in her swing

Bria is 7 weeks old today! She'll be 2 months on the 20th, wahoo! I know soon it will start flying by, but right now it feels like it's been about 5 months. I can't remember not doing this, lol. Her hair is definitely getting lighter, especially on top. Both Brian and I had blond hair as babies so she might as well, we'll see. Her eyes are still blue and I think they'll stay blue. We still think she looks a lot like me, but that can all change as she starts growing up. We love her to the moon and back that is for sure.


Cala said...

She is adorable and sure is lucky to have you two as her parents!!!

Kari said...

It is hard without the hubby around, isn't it? I know it was hard for me. Hopefully the end is near and you can have your hubs back full time (around work that is!). I can't believe she's almost 2 months either. Where has the time gone? I love all the pictures. :)

Carly said...

she is gorgeous!!!