Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Healthy baby: check

Bria's 2 month check up went great. Here are her stats:

Weight: 11 lbs 4 oz, 50th percentile
Height: 22.5 inches, 50th percentile
Head: 15.25 inches, 50th percentile

So she is pretty much right smack dab in the middle :) The doctor said she looks great and is doing well.
Then it was time for the dreaded shots, dun dun DUN. I really wish they could find a painless way to immunize our babies. Brian and I almost cried right along with her when they gave her the shots, luckily the nurse was fast and did the 3 shots in about 5 seconds. But oh my, we've never heard Bria cry the way she did when she got those shots, it was horrible. I really have to keep telling myself that she won't remember it and it's better to prevent horrible diseases that could land her in the hospital with lots of painful treatment. Shots suck though, plain and simple.
Here are her Tweety Bird bandaids (and the cutest legs in the world):

I love the rolls on her thighs, yummy!

Alright, I debated sharing this video because I know my daughter will kill me when she is 16 and I show this to her boyfriend, but it's too funny not to. About 20 seconds in Bria fills up her diaper pretty good and you can hear it (and see it on her face), it's hilarious. I of course have to laugh, which scares the crap out of her. I should've kept filming but I cut it off right as you see her startled face. Too funny. Love this little girl.


Kari said...

Cute! Sorry about the shots. That video is hilarious!

Lindsay said...

LOL, that is hysterical!

Emilie said...

Ohhh Lindsey she is going to be so ticked at you one day for that!!! haha!

Shots are hard. Try being the person giving the shot... its not easy... Ive been there!

Glad she is doing so well though! :)

Danielle said...

That video is HILARIOUS! I hate all those shots. Breaks my heart. You can tell they don't feel well afterwards too!

Brandi said...

Holy cow I almost filled MY diaper laughing at that video. I'm sure Austin will just think it is funny ;o)
Shots stink- I feel you on that.

♥ Lovfer♥ said...

OMG that was so funny! The shots break my heart though, poor baby.

Julia said...

I just watched the video clip for the 4th time. So funny! I love how she grunts and then toots. Natalia toots so loud that it sounds like any adult could of made. It gets really embarassing out in public because I know people probably think it is me making all of the gas but, really it is the baby. That clip is priceless. Oh yeah and her chubby thighs are so delicious!! The cutest I have ever seen!

Anonymous said...

I took pictures of Natalie's legs after her 2 months shots, too. She had Snoopy band-aids. :)

Bria is too cute!

goeckie said...

That video is hilarious! LOL