Monday, April 06, 2009

Very Thankful

Things are going well here at the Holcomb house, and hopefully I'm not jinxing us by blogging about it.

Two big things for us:
1. For the last 5 nights Bria has gone to bed around 9 pm, woken up at 2:30 am and 6:30 am for a feeding, and then wakes up for the day around 9 am. It is great and I feel like a new woman.
2. The last 2 nights she has slept in her crib! We've been putting her in there for naps and thought it was time to move her in there at night as well, so we tried it Saturday night and it went great. I was so scared that her sleep schedule would change but so far so good. I pray she continues to do well, I am so grateful.
The first night she was in there I was a little sad since I couldn't just peak in the bassinet to check on her, but it went so well and again, I am very thankful for that.

I've heard 6 weeks is the magic age where things start to get a little easier and that is definitely true for us. I think part of it is that I have gotten to know Bria so well and I have an easier time knowing what she wants when she cries. But the other part are the smiles, man I love seeing her smile and hearing her talk, I can't wait for her to talk more.
I love our routine that we have going and I hope it continues. I feed her when she wakes up around 9 am and then we play for a little bit, sometimes she goes back to sleep for awhile, other times she is up for good. After that I bath her which is so fun (today she was giving me lots of big smiles during her bath and I was in heaven), then we go up to her room to get her dressed for the day. At first she doesn't mind this but once we start putting her onesie on she gets a little grumpy. Once that is all done we play some more and then she'll eat and go down for her afternoon nap. Her afternoon nap is pretty long, some days she'll go 3 or 4 hours, others she'll go for 2 hours.
In the evening she'll take 2 or 3 little cat naps (around an hour long) and then go down for the night around 9 pm. I might try putting her down a little earlier, but right now it's going so well that I hate to mess with it.

I have to say one of the cutest faces that Bria makes is her pouty lip face. Usually just a small cry follows this little face which makes it even cuter:
Whenever she makes this pouty face I tell her what my Grandma Armstrong always told us: "A little bridie is going to come poop on that lip!" I think she worded it better than I did, she has a way with words.

Also, here is the Moby wrap in all it's glory:
I love this thing!

Lots of people have said that Bria looks long and I am anxious to go to her next appointment (April 22nd) and see how long she is. At her last appointment (when she was 2 weeks old) she was in the 50 percentile for height, weight, and head size.
She has outgrown her newborn clothes and is now in 0-3 months. I am so grateful that we got hand me downs because those newborn clothes didn't seem to last long, she is just growing so fast!

This last weekend was pretty eventful. Heather came down to watch her little niece while Brian and I went ran some errands. It was so nice to spend time with just my hubby, and I think it's safe to say that Heather was in heaven watching Bria-so it was a win-win situation.
After that we went out to dinner with Heather and Brian's mom, Bria's first restaurant. It was at McGrath's and Bria did pretty well. She slept for the first part and then woke up a little so we took turns holding her until it was time to go.

Sunday we had an impromptu BBQ at our house since it was so gorgeous outside. Both sets of my parents came along with Jaime and Schuyler. It was nice having so many arms to hold Bria, I didn't see her for most the BBQ ;)

So it's safe to say our weekend was a success and we're sad it's over. But the good news is that it's still beautiful outside and as soon as Bria wakes up we are going for a walk.


Silvina said...

I'm glad things are going so well and she's on a good schedule. I'm sure it feels good to get some good night sleep. She's adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Lindsey, tell me (even if it's a lie) that those are not jeans you wore pre-pregnancy only 6 weeks after having her! You look awesome. I'm so jealous.

Emilie said...

Im happy that you posted and to hear that things are going well. Sounds like you and Bria are getting the hang of things and that you are getting a schedule down. I bet that helps.

Love the pictures and I like that sling.

when do you have to go back to work?

Tasha Coltrin said...

she is getting so big and you look so good. I'm glad things are getting better. I want to call you and talk to you, but I don't know when is a good time. So you need to text me and let me know. Love ya and miss ya!!

Leslie Collins said...

It sounds like motherhood is going well.

Love the pic's.

Danielle said...

I'm so glad Bria is sleeping better now! I know the feeling of jinxing things haha! I love the pouty face. Dillon does one too that kills me. He made that face moments after he was born and had the entire room laughing. So cute.