Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Plans change

I'm definitely a planner. Brian and I both like to plan and talk about the future, map things out, that kind of thing. When things don't go as planned I am trying to be better about rolling with the punches, Brian is already pretty good at this. Well, yesterday morning we had a curve ball thrown at our plans and I handled it better than I thought I would.
I went to start the BMW, ugh. It barely started and when it did the whole car was shaking and did not sound good. When I called Brian he was 99% sure he knew what the problem was, it is of course a $3000 problem, or somewhere around there. We have spent quite a bit of money on this car already and I don't think throwing more money into it is financially the best thing to do. So where does that leave us? I'm not really sure.
Brian is currently driving the Bug to work, then we have our beloved Black Widow-a little pick-up truck from the 80's. So, we could sell the BMW and I could just drive the Black Widow [our nickname, that's not the actual make and model, because I know you thought that ;)] to the park and ride lot in town since I do the vanpool. That actually sounds doable to me and I don't mind at all. However, we planned on getting an SUV as our next car in the future and are wondering if we should roll with the punches and get it now. Then sell the Black Widow because we're not even sure why we have it in the first place, and trade in the BMW. I don't think Dave Ramsey would like that option. I'm pretty sure he would tell us to drive the Black Widow. Who wants to go from no car payments to a car payment anyway? We've worked so hard to pay off debt and it feels discouraging tacking on another car payment. On the other hand, the Bug and Black Widow don't really cut it, especially when it comes time to start a family. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to put a baby in the Black Widow, and the Bug, well it's a cute car but is not car seat friendly. So eventually we are going to have to get another car and it seems more efficient to do it now since it is needed.
We researched a bunch of options yesterday online and will be going car shopping on Saturday. It seems crazy to think we could have a different car in a few days, that part is exciting. The part that makes me want to hurl is thinking of a car payment. Ick.


Shannon said...

So I love that you know who Dave Ramsey is and that he got a shout out in your post! Good luck with your car decision, its a hard one. Im sure you guys will make the decision thats best for both of you!

Emilie said...

good luck with that... i know how you feel about always "planning." Did you do the dave ramsey get out of debt???