Thursday, March 06, 2008

My Ramblings

The Other Boleyn Girl
I absolutely loved the book and recommend it very highly. That time period is just so intriguing and I enjoyed learning about it as well as visualizing the elaborate dresses they wore. In my opinion the movie did a great job of including the most important parts of the book. Short from doing a mini-series there is no way to include every part from the book, they chose wisely. The actors were such a good choice which makes a big difference. I loved it. Well done Hollywood.
Oh, and I could watch Eric Bana read a telephone book. Yum.

Family Reunion
We booked our tickets for Arizona. The Armstrong Family reunion (my dads side) is in July and I am very excited for Brian to finally attend one. The last one was in 2006, right before our wedding and we had purchased the tickets to go. Well Brian's job position changed and he could no longer take it off so Jaime went in his place. He will finally be able to meet the whole family and see why I'm so crazy ;-)

Social Life
The highlight of my evening last night was holding Austin. We went over to Chris and Brandi's for a little bit and I of course held Austin the whole time, I just don't want to put him down. He seriously makes the cutest faces and I love watching them. Man, I have got a fever and the only cure is a baby!
We are going over Saturday night because Brian wants to help Chris put together some new shelves they purchased. I get to soak up Austin all night and I am just thrilled to death. That's right, my social life consists of my neighbors offspring. I can't help it, he's adorable.

Debt stuff
Things are going very well at the Holcomb Hideaway. I think our upcoming Visa payment on April first has spurred a lot of motivation as well as excitement. There is nothing like the feeling of paying off a huge chunk of debt. Now, I know I talk about debt all the time and how we are working hard to pay it off, blah, blah, blah. But, unfortunately that is at the forefront of my mind and my blog allows me to regurgitate it in a journal type format. Thank you for letting me throw up here. Anyway, as exciting that last payment is, whether it's a car or credit card, you know you're right back at square one with the next debt mountain to climb. In our case it is my student loans. Fortunately my student loans are fairly small and they are scheduled to reach a zero balance by October. Then there are Brian's student loans, but that is our Everest and is a mountain we're not going to rush into climbing. We are going to chip very slowly at that since the interest is barely over 1%. So come October we will have conquered all the mountains we set out to conquer, and that my friend is a good feeling!

Brian and I are enjoying our evenings together which usually consist of dinner, tv, an occasional walk with MJ (weather permitting), and bedtime. Oh yeah, we are one crazy couple. The weekends are our time to spend with friends and family and get crazy, maybe even stay up past midnight! My favorite part of the evening is when we are on the couch and I plop my leg or arm on Brian so he can scratch me (he knows how to speak my love language!), then we just talk while watching some TV. I am trying to soak this time in because I know once we start a family we can kiss that time goodbye! Just to be clear, I am not announcing a pregnancy-we're not pregnant. I wish. Which brings up a curiosity of mine, for those that have a child, what were your evenings like with one child? Did you get any down time together? This may seem like a weird question, but I just want to have an idea of what is to come (again, I'm not pregnant, just a planner).

Now that I have got you all pumped up with my exciting debt talk and our fun evenings, I'm going to sign off. Until next time...


Anonymous said...

Congrats on paying off your card! I am happy to hear the movie was good, I really want to see it.

Leslie Collins said...

Congrats on paying off your card.

Don't worry about rambling on about debt, I think that it's awesome you are paying it off. Plus, this is YOUR blog. You are entitled to write whatever. If others don't want to read, that's their problem.

Jade and I have a lot of time in the evenings together now that Reyna is on a good schedule. When she was newborn, it was hard because she was up late. Now, she is in bed by 7:30. That leaves us a lot of time. Don't worry. You will still have time. Plus, when the baby is with you, it just makes things different. It's like you won't know what you did with your time before they arrived. I never thought I would hear Jade say that and he says it all the time. It's so crazy.

Do you guys plan on babies soon or not for a while. Sorry to pry. :)

Kim said...

yep, you'll still have that time!! my son is in bed by 7 or 730 at the latest, and then it's mommy and daddy time! once you get through the first few months with a newborn, if you make it a priority it's not a problem at all. :)

Cami said...

Wahoo! about the credit card and the end in sight for the student loans. We have our time still in the evenings. Once the kids are in bed.

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