Tuesday, March 04, 2008

My weird quirks

My cousin Lanie tagged me so here goes....

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4.Tag at least three people at the end of your post and link to their blogs.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

6 Quirky/Odd things about myself...

1. I do not like when lights are on in the house that are not being utilized. If we are downstairs and the upstairs hall light is on I have to turn it off, or if it's light enough outside I get up to turn off all unnecessary lights.

2. I cannot fall asleep with my back to the door. The door has to be in my vision in case somebody comes in, then I will wake Brian up and dive under the covers, because apparently blankets will protect me until Brian gets his gun.

3. I scratch my arms in my sleep. Brian says he'll wake up and my arms will be up while I'm scratching both my forearms, it happens quite often apparently. I just loved to be scratched and if nobody else is going to do it I guess I will!

4. When you talk in my right ear, whether it's a whisper or a deep voice, it tickles my butt. So if people whisper they have to do it in my left ear, and when I talk on the phone I hold it up to my left ear, NEVER my right, it tickles too much.

5. I guilt trip people. I wish I didn't, I don't like that I do it, but I need to admit it.

6. I am the type of person that needs set tasks. At work I do not do well when they give me the end goal and I have the freedom to get there however I want, I just get overwhelmed with all the choices and don't have the self motivation. I would rather have set things to do each day, I will get them done fast, efficient, accurate, and it will be high quality.

Yes, I am a weirdo. But I guess we all have our little things, now, hopefully some of you can make me feel better by posting your quirks! Tag: Jenny (you don't have to post pictures every time you blog!), Jaime, and Kristin R . But you guys don't HAVE to do it, just if you want to :-)

Thank you all so much for your incredibly nice comments on my new hair. Since it is so drastic it's nice to know it is a good drastic :) I particularly like Jaime's comment, I'd like to think I am channeling the Bella in me ;)


Tasha Coltrin said...

Your hair is way cute!!! :) How was the movie? I really want to see it. How did you like the book too?

Kris and MaLanie said...

I am totally the same way with the lights needing to be turned off. I love that you scratch your arms in your sleep! I remember once when we were young, we sat on either side of Grandma Armstrong and she scratched both of our arms at the same time. Bliss!