Thursday, March 27, 2008

This and That

Apparently I am on a picture taking hiatus. I still haven't taken any new pictures since I colored my hair, what on earth is wrong with me?!
Brian and I took full advantage of the good weather last Saturday and did yard work. Can I tell you how much we enjoy yard work? I'm dead serious, we absolutely love working outside. I think it's because it's a Spring/Summer activity which means the rain lets up for a few months. We are planning on getting Evergreen Clematis (spelling?) from Costco and planting that to grow up on the pergola and then weaving the white lights in there, it's going to be so pretty!

Schuyler took Jaime away for the weekend to celebrate their 9 year anniversary. Jenny and Kyle watched the kids Saturday night and Brian and I watched the kids Sunday until we all met up at my moms for an Easter dinner. Those 3 kids are seriously the best behaved kids ever, I just can't even believe it. Jenny said putting them to bed was the easiest task ever, she read them some stories and in the middle of the last book Jaidyn taps her and says, "It's 7:30 pm," (that's their bedtime). She's so prompt! I think Jaime could be on Supernanny, and there is no doubt I will be calling her for advice when we have kids.

Since we are paying off our credit card on April 1st we of course wanted to celebrate this big occasion. Guess what we decided to do?

I'm so excited! Neither of us have ever been so we're both thrilled to be going. We're gonna make it a whole fun date night because we have a gift card to The Cheesecake Factory that we'll use before the show. I just can't wait, it'll be a perfect reward for a job well done.

I've been frustrated with my skin lately, my face is breaking out, mainly in the chin area and it's driving me nuts. I didn't want to get Proactive again because it's a little expensive and I don't like that I can't go to the store and buy it when I need it. So I've heard AcneFree worked well and is cheaper than Proactive. I've been using it for almost 3 weeks and holy cow is it bad. I know it gets worse before it gets better but my goodness my chin is full of big red painful blemishes. Pretty picture huh? Brian has even commented a few times, "Man, it really has gotten worse." It made me feel really good when he said that. I love you too hun.

Lance is officially a UPSer! He is working local sort, which is from around 5-9 pm Monday-Friday. I'm sure the 5 days a week will be a shock to him, but the hours are good and it works really well with school. Plus, it has so much potential and UPS is a great company to work for. Congrats Buddy, welcome to the brown side ;-)

Weekend Plans
Friday-Go to dinner with Sarah, Trav, and Jeff
Saturday-Go to Portland to return Brian's school books.
Saturday night-I would like to go to Brandi and Chris' to visit and of course hold Austin, but it depends what they are doing. Yeah, we're those annoying neighbors they can't get rid of!
Sunday-Chores and relax

To Do List
Mop wood floors
Order pictures so I can clear my camera flash card
Clean bathrooms
Make chocolate chip cookies


Julia said...

Man, you guys are always busy on the weekends! You have to take advantage of the time off! I have been using Acne free for about 3-4 months now. Before I started my skin had gotten really bad! In the beginning like you it got worse and then it really seemed like about 2 1/2 months it really started looking good. Just the other day Cameron commented on how good it looked and even said "glowing" --that totally made me feel like a million bucks! If you compare the ingredients of Proactive and Acne Free, Acne Free has a higher percentage of Benzoyl Peroxide than Proactive. So hang in there. It is cleaning out all of the bad stuff before it gets better. I am really happy with it! I should do a commercial huh???
Cirqe du soleil will be so fun and I can't wait to hear how it goes. You have to post some pictures of that for sure! Take care Lindsey.

Kari said...

My sister liked Proactive. I don't have anything to share, but hang in there! I know it's not fun. My younger brother has had to be on prescription meds for it too. It can be debilitating.

Also, I was talking with some friends and they said they didn't have acne in high school and suddenly at 25+ they started breaking out. What is that? Is that what happened to you? I'm curious to know why that's happening.

Have a great weekend and CONGRATS on paying off your debt! That's awesome!

Cami said...

Wahoo for April 1st!! What a fun way to celebrate. Can't wait to see the hair color. I also love yardwork.