Monday, April 07, 2008

It's April!

We are credit card debt free!!! We paid off our credit card on April 1st and it is simply the best feeling, we're thrilled beyond belief.

Cirque Du Soleil was a perfect way to celebrate our hard work. We started our Saturday date night by heading to The Cheesecake Factory and enjoyed a delicious dinner. I got the Thai Chicken Pasta and holy cow I was in heaven, I have left overs for lunch today and am thrilled. Unfortunately we did not leave room for dessert, but neither of us like cheesecake anyway, oh the irony. We had time to do a little shopping before heading to the show so we walked around the mall for awhile.
We couldn't take pictures inside the big Cirque Du Soleil tent so I didn't bring my camera, which now I am kicking myself for because I could have taken pictures of the outside. I snapped some with my cell phone, but of course the quality is not so great.

Anyway, we seriously had the best time, those people are INCREDIBLE, they just blew us away. We thought our stunting was cool, these people were on a completely different level, 100 times more impressive than anything we've ever done, no more like 150 times more impressive. Actually probably 300 times, at least, or like 500 times. You get the idea. They were flat out phenomenal. I would highly recommend going to a show, it was so much fun. We actually had something kind of cool happen to us, they included us in the show! In the very beginning they were involving the audience because they needed someone to go in their coffin since the guy they had in there escaped (just go with me), everyone is of course raising their hand and wanting to go in, probably the only time people will voluntarily get in a coffin I might add. Well the guy starts climbing on the back of our chairs in search for someone and "falls" in my lap and gives me a big kiss on my cheek! It was hilarious, he then proceeds to go behind Brian and asks him to stand up and introduce himself. The guy then asks if Brian would fit in the coffin and everyone says no, so he presses Brian's hair down and asks, "How about now?" He didn't make Brian get in the coffin thankfully. It was really exciting to be included in the show and we are now going to add that to our resume :-) The funniest part is right before he came over to us Brian said, "You know whoever they pick is part of the show." They showed Brian!

Brian is working so hard this term, balancing work and classes. He is taking 2 classes this term and they are proving to be tougher than the 2 he took last term already. He is consumed with homework and it's only the start of the second week. It is hard to see him so stressed out because he rarely shows his stress, much like myself (dripping with sarcasm). I just wish I could help more, he is on the computer everyday doing homework or working on papers. I think the summer will be a nice break for him, he is planning to not take classes, we'll see if he actually doesn't though. Once he starts looking at how many more classes he has to take and when he is expected to graduate (Spring of 2010) he gets all motivated and wants to complete as many as possible. His ambition is one of the things I love about him!
I so admire you babe, you are doing so well in school and I could not be more proud of you. Thank you for working so hard for the better of our family, your future children and I love and thank you!

So my blog will continue to have a lack of pictures since I usually blog from work since Brian needs the computer more than I do. Hopefully my awesome writing skills will make up for lack of pictures. Oh dear, I better just add pictures.


Kris and MaLanie said...

Congrats on paying off your credit card! Sounds like you had a blast at Cirque Du Soleil. What a great way to celebrate. I am so jealous!

Emilie said...


Cami said...

Wahoo!! What a fun way to celebrate.