Friday, November 23, 2007

Our Story

My cousin Tasha had this on her blog and I wanted to join in on the fun:

What is his name? Brian David Holcomb
How long have you been married? A year and 4 months
Who eats more? Brian, by far
How long did you date? 2 1/2 years
How old is he? 31
Who said I love you first? Brian
Who is taller? Brian, by far
Who sings better? Probably me, but he has a wonderful Opera voice ;-)
Who is smarter? Depends on the topic, but I'd say Brian
Whose temper is worse? Mine, by far
Who does the laundry? We both do it
Who does the dishes? Lately me, but usually we both do it
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are facing the bed, I do
Who mows the lawn? Both of us
Who cooks dinner? I do
Who kissed who first? Brian kissed me, it was the best first kiss I've ever had
Who asked who out? He asked me out, I said no the first time, but eventually he wore me down ;-)
Who proposed? Brian did
Who has more friends? He does
Who is more sensitive? That's a tough one, not. Me by a large margin!!
Who has more siblings? I do, 5 siblings :-)
Who wears the pants? That's tough, we both have our moments

Join in the fun if you want!


Julia said...

Cute, I love this tag. It helps us learn about eachother's spouses. How are your holidays going Lindsey???

Kari said...

I love reading things like this. It helps me feel like I know your husband!