Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Halfway through the Week!

So I am a promise-breaker, I just can't seem to sit down in front of the computer when I get home to upload pictures, it is the absolute last thing I want to do. Maybe tonight I will be more motivated to upload pictures, but no promises ;-)

My neighbor, Brandi, lent me "Marley & Me" by John Grogan and it is such a good book for you dog lovers out there. It made me want to spend more time with MJ, playing and taking her for walks. So that's what I've been doing in the evening, along with cooking and baking. Whew, I'm all domesticated ;-) I made banana muffins last night and they are pretty tasty if I do say so myself. Brian enjoyed them which always makes me feel good. I could tell he genuinely liked them because he ate like 3 or 4!

I am looking forward to getting our Christmas tree this weekend, I had so much fun last year decorating our tree, it makes the Holidays feel official. Last year we didn't send out a Christmas card and I regretted it so I am hoping this year I will actually commit to it. I think I get discouraged because I want them to be just perfect, unique and stunning. So when I fail to deliver perfection, I get frustrated. That's not a good thing, I'll work on it.

Yesterday was my cousin Tasha's birthday and although I thought about her all day, I failed to actually call and tell her Happy Birthday, bad Lindsey. So Tasha, HAPPY BIRTHDAY cuz. I hope you had a wonderful day!
Tasha, Lanie, and I call ourselves the 3 musketeers, every family reunion we would be stuck at the hip. In the younger years there would inevitably be 2 or 3 fights that would end in tears, but then we'd make up and be best friends again. I remember one year we built a tree fort in the woods across from my house, it was the coolest fort ever. But I didn't get to enjoy it very long because I got sick and had to lay on the couch. I remember them trying hard to be patient and understanding, but asking every 5 minutes if I felt well enough to go out and play. I would've done the same thing if one of them was sick! Anyway, I have so many good memories with them and love that we are now all married and entering a new phase of our lives. Love you guys!

Alrighty, I better sign off for now. Have a great day!


Leslie Collins said...

Post some pictures when you do get a chance. I know how you feel, it's the last thing I feel like doing sometimes. Have fun getting your tree.

Kris and MaLanie said...

I miss my fellow musketeers!! I wish we all lived near each other. Linds, I was just thinking... our parents went on a cruise together...the 3 musketeers should go on a cruise together! How fun would that be! Love you!

Tasha Coltrin said...

Thank you so much!! I had a really good birthday!! I agree with lanie we should go on a cruise. That would be so much fun!! Thanks a again that means a lot to me. Love ya!!