Tuesday, January 26, 2016


We ordered these cool portable bunk beds for the girls. Why? Well we travel down to Albany a lot and these seemed like the perfect solution for beds for them since they love bunk beds but don't have them in their rooms. 
They were thrilled and as soon as Dad set them up they wanted to go to bed! For 2 nights they slept in them, I think these will be a success. And hopefully we can get a big enough tent and camp with them too. 
The rain has been crazy here lately, like ridiculous. So when we have a break from it I make sure to get the kiddos outside for some fresh air.

We went to a park that's about a mile from our house. I pushed Penny in the stroller, Reese rode her scooter and Bria rode her bike. They did great on the way there especially considering there are quite a few hills.
We enjoyed ourselves at the park for awhile and then started a game of hide and seek.
All was going well until Reese was running to hide and slipped in the mud. She was not happy:
Naturally I whipped out my camera to capture the hilarity of the moment (I don't think she appreciated that). I calmed her down and was attempting to clean her up with dog poop bags (new ones, not used ones just to clarify) because I literally had nothing else. As I was doing this, Penny was very intrigued and walked over to inspect the muddy disaster. Well what do you know, she found a little mud hole and stepped right in it.
She liked it even less than Reese did and was screaming pretty good. I naturally whipped out my camera again and began to laugh at the scene that was unfolding.
 Eventually I got them to calm down but I couldn't clean them. So after some swinging and playing I decided we better make the trek home because they were going to get cold pretty fast.
I stripped them as soon as we walked in the door and soaked those muddy clothes and shoes. Then texted Lark the pictures and told her of our fun adventure ;)

The next time I took the girls to the park, I took them to one without mud.
Things went much more smoothly.

 But it wasn't quite as memorable ;)

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