Friday, October 03, 2014

Welcoming the rain...which, like, never happens.

We don't have AC and it's been a hot freaking summer so when the rain came for a few days we welcomed it with open arms and rain boots.

 The girls were more excited to go puddle stomping than to run in the sprinklers in the summer.
 And with fall weather upon us, it called for a Starbucks date with my youngest while Bria was at school. Reese got a much deserved cake pop:

 We also went to Target and Old Navy to walk around and she seemed to have a blast. I loved not having anywhere to be and being able to just let her lead the way.
Also, I got to wear these beauties and that was pretty exciting...
Bria has been doing really well in school in seems, I guess I should wait until after conferences to confirm that ;) But she seems to enjoy it and does a pretty good job of relaying her day and most of the stuff they do. I think she is really excited to read and loves when she recognizes words while we are reading books. Looking forward to seeing her progress.

Waiting for the bus

So excited for school!

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