Sunday, June 16, 2013


During naptime/quiet time one day, Bria came out of my room (sometimes I let her go in our room as a treat) and said she had gotten all ready for her date night and looked pretty like me. 
My heart melted.
She had put lipstick on, jewelry, and my heels. Love it!

 It's been awhile since I've done an update on what Bria is doing these days so I will try to jot a few things down.

  • Definitely becoming more independent, she buckles herself in the car (sooo convenient!) and refuses help...even when she is having a hard time and getting frustrated. 
  • Listens and obeys...this comes with the stipulation that she is 4, so she does have her moments, but for the most part she does what we tell her and I am very thankful for that, it makes things a lot easier

  •  Loves making new friends, she makes friends everywhere she goes and it's so fun to see her be outgoing. I'll have to ask my Mom but I'm pretty sure I was shy.
  • Can show signs of ADD with how random she is, especially when she is with her friends and can't seem to focus, I think she gets too excited!

  • Is so sweet with Reese (most the time) and is willing to help, she also does almost anything to avoid Reese crying, even if it means giving up a toy...Reese has her wrapped around her finger!
  • Favorites: imaginary play with little figurines (usually princesses), watching Justin Time and Little Lulu (an OLD Disney thing, she is obsessed), her pink blanket (of course), being scratched, playing with friends (namely, the Buell boys and Bristol), and family movie nights.  

She has such a personality and we always look forward to what crazy things she is going to do and say next :)

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