All is well at the Holcomb dwelling, besides the 7 day forecast consisting of rain. Bria's second tooth has been causing her pain so I rub brandy on it and get her nice and buzzed to help. Kidding, kidding. We gave her some Tylenol for a few nights and she seems to be doing better, still a little cranky and clingy during the day, but overall much better.
Bria cheesing for me and showing off her first tooth (I love her little hand on her hip):
These days Bria loves to hold onto your fingers and stand, I swear she could do it for hours. Although she sits on her own like a pro, I think she prefers to lie down on her back and roll around amongst her toys...and MJ:
I'm wondering if sitting up causes her a little discomfort at times because she spits up a lot more in that position. If she's laying down it's much better. I'm looking forward to when she stops spitting up, but right now it feels like she'll be 18 years old wearing a bib to catch her spit up.
Our weekend consisted of tailgating (what's new) and it was a nice day out. Bria was not her normal bubbly self, but still had a good time.
She outgrew her cheer outfit and I'm still mourning it. I almost tried to stuff her big belly into it one more time but thought better of it, comfort first right?
Brian and I enjoyed a little picnic style lunch at the tailgator since Bria wanted out of her stroller.
Bria does so well with her sippy cup and has for a couples weeks now. I usually help her take a few drinks and then let her play with it. She'll teeth on it for a little bit, but then takes a few drinks on her own. I'm a proud mommy.
In other news we have plans to go to a pumpkin patch this weekend and I'm so excited. I must get the infamous shots of Bria in a sea of pumpkins, hopefully it's not pouring that day but the 7 day forecast says otherwise.
Bria had a great little routine for the last month. She would go down for a nap around 10:30 or 11 am and sleep for about 2 1/2 hours, then take a little 1/2 hour nap around 4 pm. It was really nice. This weekend she started changing it up so I'm trying to figure it out still. She goes down around 11 or 11:30 am and sleeps for an hour and a half usually, then fights her second nap around 4 pm. We tried ditching the 4 pm nap altogether but that led to a major meltdown at bedtime because she was over the top exhausted. So we put it back in :)
I realized that all my posts are updates of Bria so I sat down to try and write about something else. 15 minutes later I was still sitting there and had written nothing. Well, I didn't really sit in front of the computer for 15 minutes doing nothing because that would be a waste of valuable time, but my point is that there is nothing going on in my world but Bria and Brian.
I really tried to avoid getting boring once I became a mom but I think I may have failed. At least Brian and Bria think I'm still funny. Family first right? :)
Since Bria's naps are shorter I better go and get a few things done!
I LOVE reading about Bria. It almost makes me feel like we're still living a few feet away from you (without any laser pointers) She has such a hilarious smile with her one toofer (what I called Austin one tooth) Love it!
Dillon does the same thing with sitting. It's almost like hes discovered how to do it and would rather stand or roll around. I was nervous as to why he didn't want to sit, so it makes me feel better that Bria is the same way!
Jack is SO excited about the pumpkin patch this weekend, and will be bringing his stroller rain gear just in case. =D
Can't wait!
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