Saturday, October 24, 2009

Another cold?

Bria has been stuffed up for 5 days now. At first I thought it was another tooth trying to come up, but it's a different kind of congested and I can tell she doesn't feel good. I have no idea how she got sick, but I'm tempted to quarantine her for the rest of the winter, I don't know what else to do. She takes a bath every night and I wash her hands well, I sterilize her toys, wash her blankets, ugh. Anyway, she has not been eating or nursing very much which has me worried, I really hope this cold will go away so she can get back to her normal happy, hungry self.

She does love to stand these days so I'll prop her up against her toys or a mirror and she'll play like that for awhile.
She looks like such a big girl standing up!
Bria has taken a liking to this pillow. My Mom and I made it (ok, just my Mom) awhile back and Bria loves the tassels on it.
Bria with her pink elephant:

One of the first things people ask me when they find out Bria is 8 months old is: "Does she crawl all over?"
No, Bria is not crawling. She sure does roll around everywhere, but crawling has not peaked her interest yet. I'm not sure if there is something I should be doing to help her learn how to crawl, we put things just barely out of her reach to entice her, but she gets mad and rolls over.
That's ok, our house isn't baby proofed yet anyway ;)


Anonymous said...

She is so cute!! That pic at the grocery store is precious!!


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about those comments! Natalie didn't crawl until she was almost 9 months. And once Bria gets older, you'll hear, does she walk yet. :) You can encourage her to do it, but it all comes down to her just being ready herself. :) She is too cute as always!

Danielle said...

1. That hat is ADORABLE!
2. Dillon hasn't been as hungry lately either!
3. People ask me about Dillon crawling too. Since he is so big, people have been asking "Does he crawl yet?!" since he was about 4-5 months. haha. He rolls and wiggles all over but no crawling either.
4. Look at her standing!!! She looks like such a big girl! Maybe she'll just take off and walk on you!

I think that covers everything

Carly said...

i just died a little at the picture of her in her pink hat- loooove it

goeckie said...

Don't worry about the crawling. Some babies skip it all together. Which is why it's not an official milestone in the eyes of doctors. She is so adorable!

Sarah said...

She is so smiley and cute I'm not sure how you can tell that she doesn't feel well!

J has the same play table (with blue legs) and LOVES it! He'll be happy to know his friend Bria has the same thing.