Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Needed: Sunshine

Holy cow I am sick of the rain and cold weather. We had snow, hail, and thunder this last weekend. This is Oregon people!!!! I just really need the sun to come out, I'm going crazy because this winter has seemed to last FOREVER. I am glowingly pale and my vitamin D deficiency is going to send me to an early grave I believe. Please send sun our way if you have it, it's greatly appreciated :)

So I have nothing to update about, we're just plugging along and waiting anxiously for June when we go to Shasta Lake. The only reason I feel comfortable posting that on a public website is because we have house sitters, so don't think you can come break into our home! Anyway, it will be nice to get away from here and into the sun, hopefully this cloudy, cold weather does not follow us there.

I was productive this weekend and cleaned out our spare bedroom (not the one that Lance is taking residence in). It felt great to get that room organized and cleaned, now we keep the door open instead of closing it to hide the mess :) MJ also got a hair cut and bath, she looks adorable of course. That's right, we had a wild weekend! Actually, we did go out to dinner to Red Lobster on Friday for our friend Travis' birthday. Brian and I are not huge fans of seafood so Red Lobster is not a place we would normally go to, but we enjoyed the food, and of course the cheesy biscuits.

Things that give me Fuzzy Feelings
I really want to journal about how much I love the weekends. I absolutely love sleeping in, it is a great feeling to wake up without an alarm buzzing in your ear. I love just laying in bed talking, then wondering downstairs to let MJ out, making my coffee and getting Brian's paper. Then crawling back in bed to relax. It's not the exact same every weekend, but similar.

My husband. I don't want to get all sappy or come off like we have the best marriage ever and we never fight, we have our arguments. But I just really have to say that Brian is seriously my best friend in the whole world.......and I get to spend time with him EVERY DAY! I still get butterflies when I see his number pop up on my caller ID, I can't wait to hear his voice. I love when he tries to give excuses for things by treating it like a business transaction and I call him out on it, he just laughs with those adorable dimples and my heart melts, all is forgiven. Those darn dimples!

Summer mornings. I am so motivated and happy when I wake up and the sun is out........I miss those mornings. Wonder if they'll come back.

When MJ curls up on my lap the second I sit down. I love that gosh darn dog, she just has the cutest personality. All she wants is our attention and love, it's a great feeling to walk in the house because MJ acts like you are the light of her life. She is just so excited to see you.

Working out in the yard. I love being outside with the sun shining and my husband right next to me in a shirt that reveals his muscular biceps, yummy.

Reading a good book while sipping a good cup of coffee.

Playing games with the whole family. I love that I have a big family, although it could use more little ones running around :-)

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