Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sunny day...

...sweeping the clouds away! Saturday was absolutely gorgeous out, I mean gorgeous! I spent as much time outside as possible, I did yard work for a good 3 to 4 hours. I thatched our front yard very thoroughly and my back is still incredibly sore, but it was worth it. Then I mowed both the front and back lawns and watered our evergreen clematis. I have some nice tan lines from my day in the sun which I'm quite proud of. Busy Brian was doing homework and would occasionally come and stand in the window to watch me work in the yard or get me a refreshing glass of water. His hard work is paying off, he's gotten 100% on his first 2 homework assignments, he's so smart.
We of course had to BBQ Saturday, it was too nice not to. We invited Chris and Brandi over and sat outside eating our steak, salad, and bread. I have some cute pictures of Austin that I'll post later. Funny how all my pictures are of Austin and he's not even my baby, can you imagine what I'll be like?!

I've been wanting to go miniature golfing since last summer and we never went, so Sunday Brian took me and we had such a good time. I'm proud to say I beat my hubby, though I'll admit it was all luck and no skill on my part. Still, it counts.

This week it's back to the rain and wearing my winter coat. I think Spring is sleeping in this year and I'm not to happy about that, wake up Spring, we need the sun!

We do have some life altering (in my opinion) news: Brian has been transferred to Eugene. This is about 45 minutes away from where we live, and in the exact opposite direction of Salem, where I work. Great. He actually has the best attitude (of course) about it and is taking it head on. He knows this will challenge him and he is looking forward to expanding his knowledge. I've gotta say, I hope UPS realizes what an amazing employee he is, he succeeds at everything they throw at him and does it with a smile on his face. I, on the other hand, am not thrilled with this change. It means more driving for him, which is less time at home, less time to be spent working on school, and less time with me. Not to mention the insane amount of money we will be spending on gas. But I'm trying to look past that and just know this comes with the job. Brian needs a supportive wife and that's just what I'll be! Then I'll just come and blog about my frustrations :-)


Leslie Collins said...

Lindsey, I hope that Brian's job works out for him and for you. Just stay positive and things always have a way of working themselves out.

Cami said...

Commutes can be somewhat of a pain. We don't mind Aaron. He has enough time from work to home to decompress. When he gets home he is ready for the kids and me to bombard him. Didn't you just love the sun this weekend. Hope it comes back real soon.