Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Making the most of summer already!

In May we did the annual DI5k (Dick Inukai 5k) in honor of Scott's father who passed away 5 years ago. I look forward to it every year and think it's such a great way to remember their Dad. 
Me and my girls

8.12 pace, not my best but I'm not getting any younger ;)

Bria  with Wes and Charleigh
 We had some great weather in June and it definitely called for BBQ's and margaritas. The Asbury's are more than willing to come over and help us celebrate summer and we enjoy our friends and especially some Penny time :)

Penny and Brian having a hilarious convo
 The Inukai's also had us over to break in their new outdoor addition...
 They've been doing a big remodel to their kitchen and outdoor area and it's taken more than twice as long as expected. But the outdoor area is nearly complete and it looks amazing. It's complete with a very large flat screen tv...yep outdoors. Scott doesn't go small haha!
Poor Randi, her allergies were horrendous and she could barely step outside. She took a bunch of medication and wore a mask so she could enjoy at least 10 minutes outside.
Poor girl!
 The kids swam and then had fun dressing up and running all over their property. It's pretty fun to watch their imaginations run free.

And I had to throw this picture in, this is so Reese. She has multiple outfit changes daily and loves to accessorize. 
We are not even a month into summer and we've already made 2 trips to Pronghorn...

It was this trip to Pronghorn that Brian and I finally figured out that the girls could watch a movie and listen with their headphones, and we could listen to the radio. It was the best road trip ever. Headphones are a worthwhile investment.
Sunshine and a pool...doesn't get much better!
A brunette and a blonde...match made in heaven!

We crack ourselves up!

The guys "building" a fire :)

Seriously, our trips to Pronghorn are absolutely heavenly and I love the memories we are making. In the winter we do skiing and sledding and in the summer we get to lay by the pool, golf, and just enjoy the warm weather.

People always know whose kids are whose!

She doesn't always nap, but we play hard in Pronghorn!

Rough life by the pool

The two little sisters have to take a break

Smooching on the golf course :)

Scott's a great coach

I almost spilled my drink on me in an attempt to get this group selfie haha!

After a weekend in Pronghorn it never fails, Reese is asleep within 10 minutes...
So yeah, you could say we enjoy ourselves there :)

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