Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Busy week

Last week was our first official week of summer and I kept us nice and busy. Partly because I knew the summer was going to take off and be over before I knew it. 
Bria's friend, Laneah, came over for a playdate and they spent all day together. They had such a good time and just played and played. Bria did a good job of including Reese, so to reward her I gave them a little while without the little sister tagging along :)

 After Laneah went home, the girls and I headed down to Albany for a couple days! I am so glad we did, it was one of the best visits and we got to see so much family, it was perfection.
First we went to my Dad's and hung out, Lance and Kayla joined us and we BBQ'd.

Already looks up to his Grandpa
The girls love their Aunt Abby and Cassidy and kept them busy. They jumped on the trampoline, played iPad games, and played with Bella the dog.

Shortly before bedtime we headed to the Tegners and the girls were thrilled to see Jax. They played and then bathed...

 Morning couldn't come soon enough for these kids and they played and played and played...

 I took them all to Corvallis at the splash pad so we could hang out with Grammy. They spent the first 20 minutes snacking on all the food I brought...what is it with kids and snacking?! Then finally they decided to run around.

 Reese and Jax preferred running in the grass vs the water. And run they did, they raced and raced and raced. I had a couple ask if they were twins, I smiled and said they were cousins but I totally agree that they could be twins. They are two peas in a pod...

Cousin besties
 After the splash pad and some lunch, we went to Avery park. They have the coolest train there for kids to play and climb on and Reese has an obsession with trains currently. She loved it.

 Seriously, I can't believe my girls were still going strong. They started early and were still running around like crazy. Reese took a 10 minute nap on the way back to Aunt Jenny's but as soon as we got there she perked up and back to playing we went.
 My Mom came over for dinner along with Lance and Kayla and we got lots of good Ames time in.
 Seriously love getting baby Ames cuddles in! He has the best smile I have ever seen and just makes you feel so special when he smiles at you.

 And Bria was getting the best belly laughs out of Jax, it was so freaking cute!
That night the kids slept HARD. I mean, barely moved all night long. It was awesome.
Friday morning we hung out with my Dad for awhile and then headed to the Jensens for some swimming.

So yeah, we had quite an awesome couple days. Obviously we missed Brian, but he got some relaxing alone time/worked.

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