Saturday, January 07, 2012

Good stuff

We had a good week over here and I always love being able to say that. Don't get me wrong, we've had our ups and downs, but overall it was enjoyable.
Thanks to pinterest and an awesome blog (play at home moms) and also the dollar store, I got a bunch of fun craft stuff for Bria and it's kept her pretty entertained. Plus, I've been able to learn ways to teach her in a fun and interesting way so she pays attention. Score.
Bria has been sporting her new clothes from Christmas and I just can't get enough of them, I'm hoping she doesn't grow out of them for a long time.

Sassy cuteness.

Why yes, my 3 year old has TOMS! LOVE!!!

Did I mention Reese has been rolling over for the past week. As in, whenever we lay her down on her back she inevitably rolls over to be on her tummy. This girl LOVES being on her tummy. Such a strong little thing.

Another adorable outfit from G&G Armstrong, they are keepin' her stylish that's for sure!

We had a few playdates this week and I hosted one at my house. It was a lot of fun, we had 7 Moms and their kiddos so it was nice and chaotic, but the good kind :) Next time I'll remember to take some pictures...I hope. I like hosting and it's fun to chat with other Moms, the morning flew by that's for sure.
Today was super awesome. I went bridesmaid's dress shopping with Kayla (Lance's fiance), her Mom (Heidi), Anna, my Mom, and two sisters (Jaime and Jenny). It was FABULOUS! Kayla put her dress on for us and I want to get married again just because I want to wear that dress. Although, it was seriously made for Kayla. Oh man I love weddings. Then us 3 sisters tried on bridesmaids dresses and who knew that was so fun? I guess when you have awesome sisters like I do everything is fun. After all that fun we ate at P.F. Chang's, where we sat right next to Greg Oden. He plays for the Blazers in case you didn't know. Well, okay he's been hurt a lot so he rarely plays, but still, it was cool to see him. Anyway, we ate an enormous amount of delicious food and then asked for 3 desserts. And devoured them all. For real. Complete with moaning noises and all. I'm pretty sure everyone in the restaurant was staring in disgust, but then quickly ordered the same thing we were having. I love chocolate.
So now here I am, the girls are sleeping, Brian is out playing poker with the boys, and I'm about to sit on the couch with a glass of wine and the remote. I never get the remote, this day rocks.


Brandi said...

Bria and I have the same Toms! I am totally going to check out that blog, I need ideas to keep Austin off the streets.

Anonymous said...

I just don't know if you can be trusted with the remote! We might get stuck watching something like Desp. House wives!
-Your dear hubby