Saturday, January 14, 2012

Crafty fun

This week was pretty good. I had good Mom days on Monday and Tuesday. Good Mom days are the days where the tv is not on, or only on for an hour the whole day. We did lots of little crafts and Bria played in pasta shells that I colored the night before. I colored pasta shells and rice. It took awhile but it was worth it. I put them in these tupperware bins and she's been having a blast with them.
Tuesday night Bria woke up puking 5 times, it was so sad. Her body was heaving and you could tell she was in so much pain. Afterwards she seemed completely fine and wanted to stay up and play. I think she was scared to go to sleep because she didn't want to wake up puking again. Wednesday she seemed a lot better, just wasn't really eating. Still, today, she doesn't have much of an appetite but seems to be fine otherwise. It's so sad seeing your child throw up, you feel totally helpless.
Before Bria got sick we had fun with some of my dollar store finds.
Fun with crafting pom poms
We seriously did this for over an hour one night. Just took turns dumping them on each other.

$2 for 2 bags of pom poms, cheap fun is the best!

I cut holes in the bottom of a box and Bria had fun putting different objects through them. It's nice when she can stay busy like that. Plus it keeps Reese entertained too. I'm assuming there's some learning going on too :)

It's nice to find fun games to play as a family. Reese is always entertained with us running around being crazy.
I had to take a picture of Reese rubbing her head and sucking her fingers. I have a similar picture of Bria rubbing her head and sucking her thumb. I'm pretty sure it was the same hands too. Funny girls.

1 comment:

LoAnn said...

Your girls are so cute. I can't wait to get some squeezing in when I am there for the new baby. You are a great mom Lindsey!