Monday, June 28, 2010

What is wrong with my 2 favorite people?

Brian does not like fruit. We've known each other for almost 10 years and I am STILL baffled by this phenomenon. I mean, fruit is absolutely delicious, what is not to love? Well my quirky husband passed this on to our chunky baby girl and I'm less than thrilled. What baby/toddler doesn't like fruit?!?!
I'm seriously going crazy and I have a slight melt down every week or 2 about it. They say to have your baby try something 10 times before giving up. I believe we are at 76 and it's still a no go. But you can bet your bottom I'm not quitting, oh no, this girl will like fruit one day!!!

The silver lining (besides her being scrumptiously cute) is that she likes fruit smoothies, so my little diva has a fruit smoothie everyday courtesy of the magic bullet. I can't tell you how jealous I am when I see other babies gobbling strawberries and blueberries down while my little punky sips her fruit through a straw.
Oh well, she did inherit some wonderful traits from her father so I can't be too mad. She's got his rockin' skin that tans very easily and lasts a long time, adorable curls, cutest dimple on her left cheek, and has a way of making me laugh more than anyone else.


Amy said...

i totally hear you. P is like that with milk which she inherited from her dad, too. and i'm chanting with you "she WILL like milk one day!" :)

E said...

Lyla likes most fruit but hates peaches. I don't get it at all. I may have to steal the smoothie idea.