Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sleeping in and sunny weather=awesome week

We had a wonderful week of beautiful weather, FINALLY. Bria and I spent a majority of our time outside with pounds of sunscreen on our Oregon bodies and took in the gloriousness that is sunshine. Since Bria loves the water she had a blast out back playing in the sprinklers and my make shift pool: her infant bathtub. We are going this weekend to get her a kid pool, but in the mean time she had a blast climbing in and out of her little tub. So much so that she went in fully clothed multiple times. As long as she's having fun I figure I can always change her outfit, that's fun anyway.

Hilarious "drunk" picture

I can't resist those rolly thighs, they are adorable (too bad that's not the case for adults)

Cooling off in her mini pool

Ever since her molars have broken through completely she has been an angel. She plays so well at home and I was able to get lots of things done this week that normally she won't let me do because she wants my attention every waking minute of the day. Not only that, but everyday this week she woke up after 8 am!! Hallelujah this mama is happy. So not only did I get to sleep in a little, I also got an hour to myself in the morning to drink coffee and surf the internet, wonderful. Of course, I told Brian this so he was all excited to sleep in this morning and at 7:10 am Bria starts chatting and talking. Oh well, it was still a wonderful week :)
Brian was working late and stuff this week so I was a single mom, I made sure we kept busy each morning either going to the park with Moms club, an indoor kids park (really cool), library, going for walks, or running errands. It made the days go by so fast and we both were in good moods all week long.

Parks and Recreation is doing a Fun at the Park thing this summer and each week they go to a different park and set up crafts and lots of fun stuff and it's free so we are taking advantage of that. Bria's pretty young for it but she still has fun watching all the kids run around and I get to chat with some moms.
"Are you sure this hula hoop is the right size for me?"

With Brian's busy schedule this week he hadn't seen Bria since Monday so yesterday (Friday) when he got home he was dying for Bria cuddles. They spent a good hour together, hugging, wrestling, reading, and laughing. Both of them really needed it, they're kind of crazy about each other.

Bria tackling Daddy, Daddy in blissful happiness

Bria has started giving big hugs where she squeezes you so tight, it's by far my most favorite hug in the entire world.

"I have this guy so wrapped around my finger it's ridiculous."

Enjoying story time together

Yesterday was my birthday and Jenny offered up hers and Kyle's services to watch Bria so Brian and I could go out to dinner. Well, we didn't want to be rude and say no so we went, darn ;) We went to a really fun restaurant/bar downtown and had a blast.

We took a short walk afterwards and then slowly made our way home, stopping at a coffee shop for dessert.

Brian and the coffee dude

Then we chatted with Jenny and Kyle and just hung out at the house. We always mean to play games but we can't stop talking long enough to decide on a game so we just continue to talk. Fine by me, I love talking and the night always goes way too fast and we stay up way too late, but it's all worth it.


So yeah, it was a good week and I'm pretty stoked about what the summer has in store for us!


Lindsay said...

Happy Birthday!! Looks like you had great week!

Carly said...

so you know whats hotter than a man in uniform- a man in uniform reading to a gorgeous little girl ;)

Danielle said...

Happy Birthday!!! Bria is looking adorable as usual. I'm glad her molars broke through and that she's feeling better.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I am loving Bria's leg rolls! Looks like you all had a blast!