Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

She really does like her St Patty's day dress, honest.

We are just plugging along here at the Holcomb house. Things are going well, although if you would have asked me last Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday it would be a different answer. Little Bria was inconsolable and Brian and I took turns holding a screaming newborn. Since then she has been better and we are immensely thankful for that. Sometimes in the evening she gets a little fussy but it is more manageable when it's not all day and night. Can you believe little Bria will be 1 month old on Friday? Such a big girl.

I am very grateful that breastfeeding is going so well and even more thankful that she's a good little eater and gaining weight. Everything is already so overwhelming that my heart goes out to those who struggle with breastfeeding.

Brian is finishing up his class this week and then has a break before Spring term starts. Spring term he is taking 2 classes and I am not looking forward to that-he is going to be busy, busy, and busy. At least with this new shift he'll hopefully have more time to devote to school and his family.

I am loving being a stay at home mom and would like to challenge those who think it's a cake walk. It is hard work and exhausting but totally worth it. I do need to learn more songs because I think Bria is sick of hearing the same ones:
You are my Sunshine
Skitta-mirink-e-dink-e-do (no idea how to spell that)
I love you, a bushel and a peck
Head, Shoulders, Knees and toes
Twinkle Little Star

I am proud to say I've showered everyday and some days I even do my hair and make up :) Although we are pretty much home bound right now because everyone and their dog is sick right now so we don't want to take Bria out. I can't wait until she is a little older and we can take her to the store, I am getting a little restless. Brian is good about sending me to Target and stuff so I can at least get out of the house for awhile.

Taking a break from eating to burp
"This is what cute looks like"


Shannon said...

Ohhh, L, Bria is so cute! She has the most beautiful eyes, I love them!

I am glad you are adjusting to mommyhood well, despite some of the screaming days! I think it will be nice when the weather gets nice and you can get out more with her!

I love all the songs you sing to Bria...my mom always sang "Hush little baby" to us and changed Daddy to Mama, I love that one, too!

Lindsay said...

I'm glad that things are moving along well with little Bria! She's beautiful, and I love her St. Patrick's day dress.

The Beavers said...

I know lots of other songs...we'll have to get together and I'll teach them to you!!! Actually, I'm sure you know them already, just an excuse to get together!!

ALC Wedding Photography said...

wow she is one long baby! do you know what her length was at the last doc's appt? She is just too cute! And about songs...I found it easy to remember songs when I would put on Barney(the purple dinasour) of course I wouldn't have her watch tv this little but it might help you remember songs :-) As for her getting fussy in the afternoon that was ethan 24/7 and i'm not joking. He was a handful I found that putting him in his car seat on top of the dryer (of course with me being right there) and turning on the dryer he really enjoyed it also I would take him on stroller rides inside the house since it was too old to take him out. Let me know if you need any more crazyness! I am the master(thanks to ethan)! Your doing great though! It really does get easy i swear!

Cathy said...

Lindsey, since I've had grandkids I've learned a lot I wished I'd known when I was a young mom. One of those things is that most newborns have a fussy period in the evening. Because they have no other way, they fuss as a way of decompressing or stress relief. It's gets pretty predictable and a lot easier to deal with if you know the reason for it and aren't racking your brain to figure out what you're doing wrong.

Molly said...

I can't believe she's already a month old; she's just beautiful!

Emilie said...

wow, its crazy that it has been a month! I bet you can't believe it!

What cute pictures... in the first one that dress is so cute, she even has tights on!

Glad things are going better. hopefully soon you will be able to go out and about together !

Danielle said...

Bria looks just SO CUTE in that St. Patty's dress. She is getting so big! You inspire me..hopefully I too will one day again do my hair and make up! haha