Wednesday, March 25, 2009


It seems our little Bria is very adaptable. I have been pumping in hopes that Bria will bottle feed and I will be able to go out for more than 2 hours at a time. So Brian tried a bottle on Saturday and what do you know, our little girl took it like it was nothing! She drank like a champ and acted like it was no big deal. We could not believe it, we feel so fortunate. We were ready for it to be a process and thought it would take a few days at least to get her to take it so we were overjoyed when she started chugging like a Beaver fan at a tailgator. We use the Dr. Brown bottles because we heard good things about them and we are definitely satisfied customers.
Brian absolutely loves feeding her and has drained my milk supply in the freezer. But it's hard to be mad when he enjoys feeding her so much, plus it gives me a break. Thank you Bria for being our adaptable little girl, she definitely gets that from her father.

This past weekend we were able to get out a lot and it felt great. I was so nervous about how Bria would do but she was so great and just slept. We went to Costco and Target on Saturday, then to my Mom's that evening to watch Twilight since it came out on DVD. You better believe we bought it! Then Sunday we went to Winco and to Dave and Cinnamon's house. It felt great to get out and I'm glad she did so well. Cinnamon let me borrow her Moby Wrap and wow it is awesome. In fact, I am wearing it right now with a sleeping Bria. I only know one way to tie it right now, but you better believe I'm going on that website to check all the different ways.

Things are going pretty well. Brian and I both can't believe how much she has grown, she is looking more like a baby and less like an infant everyday. I can tell she is gaining weight because holding her for long periods is killing my back, but she's worth it. She is already outgrowing her newborn sleepers, she's too long for them. She was born 19 inches long, which is average-even a little under. But at her 1 week appointment she was 20 inches and her 2 week appointment she was 20.5 inches so she seems to be growing fast.
She is also the squirmiest baby ever. We call her our squirmy wormy, or wiggle worm. She rarely sits still, which makes burping and feeding fun ;) I totally thought she got this from her Dad who cannot sit still to save his life, but after reading my baby book she apparently gets it from me, who would have thought. It's funny because she wasn't overly active in the womb so I would never have thought she would be so wiggly.
I also think she has her daddies feet (let's hope not the size) because of her big toe nail, it's very rounded like Brian's. And also the spacing between the big toe and the next one. I think it's a good thing she has his feet because it may mean she can avoid bunions like me.

On Monday I took a nap and when I woke up Brian had changed her because she had spit up all over her other one. I should've taken a picture, he had put her in a short sleeve onesie (remember it's in the 50's here still) that was pink with polka dots, horizontal striped pants with a different color pink, and no socks. It was pretty stinkin' cute. I should have just left her in it, but the controlling part of me put on matching pants and socks. In the future I'll just let Daddy dress her and not interfere because it was pretty funny.

Just chillin' with Daddy
Hanging out with mommy
Her first time on her little play mat, she was too cute just talking up a storm
This is her infamous "stink eye" or her pirate face, whichever makes you laugh

She's already copping an attitude


Lindsay said...

The stink eye picture is probably the cutiest thing I've ever seen! hehehe, she cracks me up! I'm glad the bottle feeding is going so well. I'm going to write down the name of those bottles, and put it in a safe place! I think we need a pict of little bria and you in moby wrap!

Robyn Baird said...

Sounds like your having a great time as Mommy & Daddy. You're doing such a great job. Treasure these moments because they grow so fast. It's hard to believe that my baby (Sienna) will be 2 next month.

♥ Lovfer♥ said...

LOL @ pirate face! I'm so glad to see your little family doing so well. Lovf ya!

Kris and MaLanie said...

That's so awesome that she takes a bottle too!! So lucky!! I'm hoping our baby girl does the same. I absolutely love all of Bria's funny faces. So cute!!

Molly said...

ARGH! (That stink eye is too much.)

Shannon said...

I love the "stink-eye" picture, so adorable! Im glad things are going good- you look great, too!

Kristin said...

She is sooo cute. I love the stink eye!:)

Julia said...

Man she is cute and I can already see so much of you in her. I love the stink eye picture. Her little personality is already coming out. She has so much hair I love it. you have to post baby pictures of you and Brian to see the resemblance. I think she looks a lot like you. You look great btw. Glad things are going well. Take care.

L said...

Aww she is so cute! You look radient in the pic with Bria, motherhood definetly agrees with you:) Glad to hear all is well...

Also do you think the wrap thing would be good for bigger size girls? I have seen them but wonder if it would be good for me to purchase? TIA

Cala said...

She is getting sooo big!!! And she is as cute as ever. We too did the Dr. Brown's bottles and I swear by them. You guys are doing such a great job, don't you just love it!!!!

Emilie said...

You both look so happy and proud! I love all the pictures. thanks for sharing. Glad that Bria has been taking the bottle. I bet that makes things a little easier for you! Keep us posted!