Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Feeling Good

Monday and Tuesday were a little rough getting back in the swing of things. Coming back from vacation is always a slap in the face, but I survived. Today is much better, the sun is shining, it's summertime, and it's my birthday :) I'm 25 on the 25th.
Brian woke me up with a nicely wrapped shoe box which thrilled me to pieces. He got me a tan pair of shoes/sandals that are adorable and so comfortable. Thanks babe, you're the best. We are going out for ice cream tonight to finish off the day.
Jaime and the kids called to sing me happy birthday, there is something about those little kid voices that is just music to the ears, it was adorable. At the end of the song Porter said, "Blow it out," referring to the candles on the cake, Jaime and I died laughing. It was so stinkin' cute.

I cannot express how happy I am that the sun is out, I love the sunshine. Although I do feel bad for those that suffer from allergies. All my siblings got the dreaded allergies but I was blessed not to. Knock on wood. But I am loving waking up to the blue sky each morning and going for bike rides or walks in the evening. Man I sound cheesey, but it's the truth.

Brian started summer term and is taking two classes. I personally think he's insane. This will be his 3rd term in a row of 2 classes. It's just a lot for him to take on and keeps him extremely busy. He usually goes to bed early and wakes up at 3:30 am to do homework before he goes to work. I just can't believe he isn't burned out, instead he's more motivated to finish and get his master's!

MJ had a great time at grandma's (Brian's mom) house while we were in Shasta. Marna took her on a walk every morning which I know she just loved. She also took her to baseball games and tired her out good. She pretty much slept for 2 days staight when we got her back, thanks grandma!


Danielle said...

awww Happy B-day!

Anonymous said...

Love, Austin

Annette said...

Happy Golden 25th Birthday!

Robyn Baird said...

Happy B-Day Lindsey!! Luv ya!

Leslie Collins said...

Happy Birthday, Lindsey. It's your golden year. How fun!

Marissa said...

Happy Birthday :) Hope you had a great day!

Julia said...

Happy b-day! I can't believe you are 25! Sounds like you had a nice day.

Kris and MaLanie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Wow, 25, that's so old. :) Glad you had a great day. Can't wait until we move there and I can hang out with you!