Wednesday, March 02, 2016

De ja vu

Bathing cousins

Seriously, they are way too cute, I just cannot stand it

Did Jenny and Kayla come up again? 
Why yes, yes they did!
Both their husbands were gone, so the obvious choice is to hang with the Holcombs :) Jax also came to Bria's party which made her day.

I absolutely adore walking downstairs and seeing my sweet little niece and nephews hanging out. Makes my day

So happy Jax came up
We had a great idea to take Jax and Ames to get their hair cut together, I mean what could go wrong?

"Walk slow for Ames."

"Time for hair cuts!"

1. All is well, Ames is enjoying some animal crackers.

2. Oh wait, Jax does NOT want them near his ears...or touching his hair, period.

3. "Mom, why are you letting this happen? Even Jax doesn't like it!"

Just watch the awesomeness for yourself:
So maybe the hair cut wasn't our best idea, but look at these handsome guys!!


Happy and handsome
After we traumatized the boys, we took them shopping.
In hind sight, that probably didn't make it better, but it made their moms feel better :)
We did lots of lounging while the kids played. 

Fabulous Zoey, simply fabulous
I mean, how is possible to be this cute?

The beginning of her figuring our this crawling thing, her planking was on fleek

Smiling Zoey

Love seeing babies in his arms...DO NOT get any ideas people, we are 100% done

Waving hi

She loves her mama
After seeing these pictures I need to cuddle all these cuties!

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