Thursday, August 28, 2014

So much

I have a bazillion things to blog about but no time to do it. School is starting in a week and a half (kindergartners start a week later at Bria's school) and my mind is in denial. I think we are about ready though, school clothes are bought for the most part. She does need a coat eventually so I will be on the lookout for that. School supplies are purchased and in a bag all ready to go. Today is the meet your teacher/bbq so I'm looking forward to that and hoping Bria likes her teacher. She has started missing Mrs. Biamont a lot lately and even started crying one evening because she missed her so much. 

Socially I'm not worried about Bria, she loves making friends and playing with other kids. Academically I am concerned in terms of her frustration level. She hates when she doesn't get something the first time and tends to give up right away. It is incredibly challenging and I'm definitely concerned for her with school. Also, with some reading and investigating (thanks Lanie for the book recommendation!!) I've concluded that Bria is an HSC: Hyper Sensitive Child.
It's not a disorder but rather a personality trait. She tends to take in too much stimulus and information where most people can filter that out and not let it bug them. She's always been very sensitive to noise and this is another characteristic of an HSC. She feels deeply, thinks deeply, and can tend to react erratically. Anyway, the book I am reading is very helpful and I'm hoping I can enlighten her teacher a bit so we can help Bria as much as possible so she succeeds. 

Aside from summer coming to an end, Brian and I did another hike and we had our family reunion in Sunriver. So both those deserve posts of their own, just not sure when I will get around to it. Hopefully soon!

With that I will leave some random pictures of the past few weeks.

Group hugs after a fabulous swim!

Bria and Charleigh

 We also went to the beach for a night with Nate, Amy and Charlotte. The weather was fantastic!

I love this baby!!

Brian and his goddaughter

Flying kites

Digging holes

I LOVE sleeping babies!

Can't beat a midday glass of wine and a view of the beach


LoAnn said...

You are the perfect mother for Bria to have. She will do great at school as long as you stay on top of her and work with her teacher to give her the best education she can get. you are great!

Lulu said...

Aunt LoAnn your kind words mean so much to me, love you!