Thursday, February 13, 2014


Stay At Home Mom.
That's my job and I love it.
For the most part I am surrounded by people who support that and appreciate it, for which I am so grateful for. Most days the only thing I crave is my husband to come home, give me a little time to myself, then tell me I am doing a great job. And he does that.
As always in life there are those that find it necessary to voice their negative opinion, something I cannot relate with. For example, I had a friend on pinterest post the following quote:

I cannot tell you how angry I was when I read it. Especially considering the same person has also posted this:
But whatever, I'm getting off topic a little.

It baffles my mind that as women we choose to bash those who don't choose what we do, shouldn't we have a united front? I do not think negatively of a Mom who works outside the home, whether it's because she has to or wants to, she is making the best choice for her family and that is great!
Brian sent me this article with a simple and sweet, "Thank you," I highly suggest you read the whole thing, here is a link. Here is a snippet from it:

The people who completely immerse themselves in the tiring, thankless, profoundly important job of raising children ought to be put on a pedestal. We ought to revere them and admire them like we admire rocket scientists and war heroes. These women are doing something beautiful and complicated and challenging and terrifying and painful and joyous and essential. Whatever they are doing, they ARE doing something, and our civilization DEPENDS on them doing it well. Who else can say such a thing? What other job carries with it such consequences?
It's true — being a mom isn't a "job." A job is something you do for part of the day and then stop doing. You get a paycheck. You have unions and benefits and break rooms. I've had many jobs; it's nothing spectacular or mystical. I don't quite understand why we've elevated "the workforce" to this hallowed status. Where do we get our idea of it? The Communist Manifesto? Having a job is necessary for some — it is for me — but it isn't liberating or empowering. Whatever your job is — you are expendable. You are a number. You are a calculation. You are a servant. You can be replaced, and you will be replaced eventually. Am I being harsh? No, I'm being someone who has a job. I'm being real.
Look, I don't cast aspersions on women who work outside of the home. I understand that many of them are forced into it because they are single mothers, or because one income simply isn't enough to meet the financial needs of their family. Or they just choose to work because that's what they want to do. Fine. I also understand that most "professional" women aren't rude, pompous and smug, like the two I met recently.
If your mother quit her role as mother, entire lives would be turned upside down; society would suffer greatly. The ripples of that tragedy would be felt for generations. If she quit her job as a computer analyst, she'd be replaced in four days and nobody would care. Same goes for you and me. We have freedom and power in the home, not the office. But we are zombies, so we can not see that.

Again, I do not view working Moms negatively AT ALL!! I have many loved ones who work and I respect them so much. After a long day at work they come home and are Mommy and maid and chef! Oh and have to fit wife in there somewhere :)
I simply just want to voice how badly it hurts when stay at home moms get a bad rap. I work hard too and my work doesn't end. I live 24/7 AT my job....WITH my job...and FOR my job. It's more than rewarding and I would pick this 1000 times over, but it's so much harder than anything I have ever had to do.
My Bria

 My Reese

And to the one who makes it possible...

1 comment:

Stephanie Briscoe said...

I hear ya on this!! After 3 years of staying home I still feel weird when someone asks where I work. " I don't I stay home with the kiddos" I always feel like its not good enough. Like staying home isn't work :/ it's hard. We give up a lot to stay home and raise our babies!!