Monday, June 08, 2009

Could it be?

We think Bria may be teething. I didn't think it would come this soon, although she is almost 4 months old. Bria is normally a great sleeper but the last 4 nights have been pretty rough. She wakes up an hour after I put her down, then I'll get her to sleep again and half hour later she's up, then another half hour, etc. Eventually she goes to sleep and stays asleep but I was so confused as to what was going on. Even her happy demeanor during the day has been cranky. After talking to some baby experts we think she's teething. It may still be awhile before teeth actually pop through though. Anyway, today I gave her some teething tablets and those helped a lot. I think I'll do those tonight or baby Orajel and hopefully she won't wake up in pain all night, poor thing.

I'm going to keep it short because I haven't been able to get much done today. Here is what I need to do while Bria is napping: start dinner, clean downstairs floors, vacuum upstairs, clean the 3 bathrooms, do some laundry, and straighten the downstairs. Think I can do it in 20 minutes? Nope, let's hope I can get one of those items crossed off!

Some pictures from Memorial Day weekend at Brian's Dad's house:

Lovin' on our little girl:

Being patriotic:

Bria's deer in headlights look:

Bria being camera shy:

Love this smile:

Aunt Heather getting in some Bria time:


Anonymous said...

Hope Bria is feeling better soon! Natalie started drooling a whole lot around 3 months and then had problems with napping around 5 months. She just cut her first tooth last week, and she is 7 months today! Poor babies! Your family pics look great!

Danielle said...

Love the pictures! We've been having similar problems. I thought it was a growth spurt, but he's been having lot's of drool and the child I swear never sleeps!

Emilie said...

Awwwe, those are cute pictures! The happy family of three!

Steph said...

You have such a beautiful family! I hope Bria feels better soon! :)

E said...

I was just reading today about the calming effects that Amber can have on teething babies (we're pretty sure Lyla is entering very early teething). Check out this site I think we're going to try one once she is actually teething.