What happened to my good napper? She also got up at 3 am Saturday morning and it took Brian and I an hour to get her to sleep back in her crib. She'd fall asleep in our arms but would wake up 5 minutes after we laid her down. Silly girl. I must say I was proud of myself for keeping my patience, it helps that Brian was there to relieve me for a little bit. We make a good team.
Fortunately her nap schedule was better on Saturday and Sunday. Sunday she took a 3 hour nap, wahoo!
Bria is getting so close to rolling on her tummy, she rolls onto her side really well from her back but can't quite make it all the way over. She is still rolling from tummy to back, but not regularly.
It is really fun to watch her on her tummy because she is lifting her head so high and is so proud of herself, it's adorable.
She gets the giggles when she is tired and it is hilarious. Friday night we went to dinner with Jenny and Kyle and so Bria was out past her bedtime. On the way home I was talking to her like I always do and she thought I was a stand up comedian. She was laughing and laughing at me, it was quite precious and I loved it.
We had a mini breakthrough with MJ. I was helping Bria practice her sitting and MJ came up, smelled her, and then licked her on the top of her head! Bria looked up and MJ and smiled. It was quite exciting and I hope it's the beginning of a wonderful friendship between them :)
Thank you for the comments on The Great Shasta Debate of '09, I am starting to feel more confident about it. Although I would like to know how much Brian paid you all ;)
We have officially decided to go, we took a vote ;) Every time I start to get anxious and stress about it, I remind myself that it'll be fine even if it takes us a few days to get Bria back on her schedule. Plus, right now she is waking up once a night and wants to be rocked back to sleep so maybe this will help solve that problem (or make it worse, who knows).
Brian's first week back to his normal schedule went pretty good. Thursday night he worked late and didn't get home until 8:30 pm so he didn't even get to see Bria. That sucked. But the rest of the days weren't horrible. It was nice to be able to have dinner together and watch some tv after Bria went to bed. I think I'll make it after all, but the official verdict will come when he starts his classes again.
Speaking of classes, Brian got his grades back. This was his toughest term by far and the smarty pants got 2 A's!!!! I am beyond proud of him, he is just amazing. During his undergrad he struggled to pass his classes (sorry babe, just keepin' it real) and now that he is working full time, has a wife, and a new baby, he manages to get A's. Go figure. It just goes to show you how the online classes are much better for him. He can log on when it works for him instead of having to go to class at a certain time. Anyway, I really am so proud of him. Only 3 terms left, we can do it. Notice how I say we? I can't help it, school stresses me out even if I'm not the one in it. I feel like I have to make sure he does his homework and logs on everyday, basically I find something to stress about.
Now for some pictures!
We went out to dinner with Jenny and Kyle on Friday night and Bria was telling Jenny how hungry she was.
I hope Bria gets back on her naps routine soon!
I'm glad you decided on going to Shasta! I'm sure you'll have a blast, and you'll be happy that you decided to go :)
Tell Brian I'll be waiting on my money in the mail :P
I can totally relate to the wackiness that no sleep brings. Hopefully she settles back into her routine soon, maybe it's just the 4 month wakeful? I'd like to request some video of her rolling or near rolling.
She's such a cutie!
We need video of the rolling over!! ;-)
Those outfits are so adorable! (Not as adorable as Bria- but close)
Such a little cutie head!!
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