Saturday, December 20, 2014

Where to begin...

It's been a few weeks since I've blogged so here is a short recap of what we have been up to...

Two days a week the girls have swim in the morning, they both enjoy that and it's a nice excuse to get out of the house. If our mornings don't include swim then they usually include chores (for me) and playing (for the girls). Bria has had a few playdates with some school friends and that has been really fun for her...and me :)
Bria loves her Penny

 Once I get Bria off to school, it's usually quiet time so I can regain some sanity and energy back. Bria gets off the bus at 3:15 pm and then we do snack, tv, homework, play until dinner. Brian will then let me hop off to the hospital so I can spend time with Kayla and sweet baby Ames...

My first time holding him!

 That has kind of been our December in a nutshell. Of course, we've done a few other fun things as well...
Spending time with Grammy

3 elves on a shelf
 A frozen birthday party for our friend Bella! Queen Elsa was there and it was the highlight of the year for my girls, she even did face paints!

Dancing with the Queen

Beyond thrilled

Bella the birthday girl and Queen Elsa

So cute!
Clearly that was the shortest update ever, but it was an update nonetheless!

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