Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wakeful Period and Video

I think Bria is going through the 4 month wakeful period. I actually didn't think that was a real thing until now. She was up this morning at 4 am and had turned on her back and was talking. I let her do that for a few minutes and then went in to try and help her go to sleep. Once she was relaxed in my arms I laid her down. 10 minutes later she was fussing. She again had rolled onto her back. So I rocked her to sleep and laid her down, she woke up right away and rolled on her back. I let her fuss for a little bit while I laid on her floor. Finally I picked her up and tried to rock her but she was fussing a lot so Brian tried to calm her down. Since none of this worked we decided maybe she was hungry and I fed her. She then fell asleep on my chest and we slept like that until 9 am.
I hope this little wakeful period does not last long. I'm nervous that her shots on Friday and our trip to Shasta will throw everything completely off and she will sleep even worse. Or maybe it'll help her sleep all the way through the night again...wishful thinking.

Here is the little punky monkey doing some tummy time

Here is a little video of Bria trying to roll over, it's not the best but it's hard to capture. MJ kept bringing me her ball during this video so that is why you hear noise in the background.

She also lifts her legs and then turns on her left side and lays like that but I haven't caught that on video yet.


The Beavers said...

Can't it be so frustrating? Just when you think she's got it down, she changes it up on ya!! The best advice I got when Nathan was five months old was never get to comfortable with how things are going because it's bound to change. You are a lot like me...Schedule and routine are necessary! It's not always easy to roll with the punches!! You are such an awesome mommy! p.s. I'm glad you decided to go to Shasta!

Lindsay said...

I love that video!! She's getting so big.