Monday, June 01, 2009

Darn it

Brian's Work:
Brian called this morning with some bad news, he's going back to his other shift which means less time at home. I'm not so happy :( He'll be back to an "8 to 5" job, only in UPS terms that means 7-7, 5 days a week. Ugh. This other shift has been working out so well and we've been able to see him more and he's gotten homework done, it just sucks to go back.
But I have to remember, at least he still has a job, I am very grateful for that.

Our Weekend:
In other news Bria had a very eventful weekend and did quite well. She started getting a little cranky yesterday but I couldn't blame her, it was a long weekend. Friday night we BBQ'd with our neighbors, Adi and Scott. Then headed to some other neighbors house, Leah and Rick, for ice cream and berry crisp. It was a lot of fun socializing with other adults and we had a great time. Bria was so content to just sit on my lap or Brian's, she was so good.

Saturday was Maggie's 1st birthday party (Tiff and Eric's little girl) and the weather was perfect for a BBQ outside. There were tons of little kids running around and it was so much fun. Our parties have definitely changed since we all started having kids :) Bria again did really well even though her naps were short.
After the birthday party we stopped by my sister's, my dad's, and even saw my mom, we were social butterflies! Bria was EXHAUSTED to say the least and took 2 very long naps and a short one on Sunday even after a good night's rest.

Sunday Bria and I went to my mom's while Brian did homework. My cousin Lanie and her husband Kris came down so it was good to see them and rub her little 30 week pregnant belly.
You think I would've taken oodles of pictures but I totally slacked this weekend, bad mommy.

Bria Updates:
Bria is doing really well. The last week she has really noticed her head and likes to rub it. When I lay her down she'll suck her left thumb and rub her head with her right hand, it's pretty stinkin' cute and I should probably get that on video.
I do have to say I am so grateful for how well she does in the car. On Friday I ran a few errands with her and she was just so content to spend 2 hours in her car seat, what a good girl!
I still haven't seen Bria roll over, the only time she has done it is at night. Silly girl. She is getting really frustrated that she can't roll from her back to her tummy, but she is definitely trying. She usually likes to try in the morning when I'm changing her diaper, makes it fun.
I think she is about 14 pounds now, we'll find out on June 19th though. She is still in size 1 diapers but I think pretty soon we'll move to size 2. She is just about done with her 0-3 month onesies, even the Carter ones that run a little large. It's going to be sad to put those all away.
Her feet are still pretty small which she gets from me, but her fingers are long and skinny. I don't really know where she got those from but I know it means she is destined to play the piano.


We set up her jumparoo and she thought it was pretty cool. We had to put a big pillow under it so she could reach, although she hasn't mastered the concept of jumping yet, or even standing for that matter. She had fun for a few minutes and then wanted out. I think it'll still be another month or 2 before she enjoys it.

This was my attempt to get her to grab onto toys:

I love when she tucks those little legs under her bum, I just want to squeeze her. She's just so precious.


Shannon said...

Im glad that you guys had a nice weekend and that Bria is doing so well. She is really a beautiful girl, L!

Carly said...

aww that stinks about Brian's shift change- but you guys will make it work out for you!