Thursday, June 04, 2009


Some pictures

Jaidyn talking to Bria:

As close as MJ would get for a picture:

MJ is still not thrilled with Bria and I think she is getting more and more jealous. She has started going potty in the house and I am just livid. Bria's room is where MJ likes to pee, jealous much? I let MJ out often throughout the day, but she still manages to sneak a little puddle in Bria's room. I may send her to Grandma's to straighten up.
Bria has noticed MJ a few times and watches for a little bit then goes back to talking. She isn't quite fascinated with her yet but it's fun to watch her look at MJ.

Aunt Heather got Bria the cutest PJ's ever, I'm going to be so sad when she outgrows them. Which I think is going to be sooner rather than later, her chunky thighs and arms are getting more and more rolls!
I must say it is good to know my breast milk is sufficient for her, I start to worry sometimes that she isn't eating enough or wonder if my milk is giving her everything she needs. Than people comment on how big she is getting and it helps calm my fears. That and the fact that she has some very wet diapers.

Aren't her little slippers to die for?

"Sassy just like Mommy"
I am starting to see more Brian in her these past few days, it's amazing how fast they grow and change.


Steph said...

She's so cute!! I love those rolls! :)

Z said...

Sassy just like mommy. Perfect :)