Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So Bria seems to be doing better, I am guessing she'll have good days and bad days as far as pain goes with teething. I'm glad she is getting some relief, and I'm not going to lie, I'm glad to have a little as well. She was so happy yesterday and just talked and smiled all day. On our walk she was squealing and talking and smiling, it was so much fun. I made the walk a little longer since she was enjoying it so much. Bria took 2 long naps and a short one yesterday so I was able to get a lot of cleaning done, it felt really good.
It's funny how some days she takes really long naps and others I'm lucky if she sleeps for an hour at a time.

Bria hasn't been a huge fan of the binkie lately. The last couple weeks she prefers her thumbs and I'm ok with that. I'm not going to force the binkie on her. The binkie does help when I give her a teething tablet, but even if she falls asleep with the binkie in her mouth she spits it out shortly after.

Brian is done with Spring term so he has the next 2 weeks off, wahoo! I am so excited for him and I know he is thrilled to be able to relax at home after work. It would be nice if he had the summer off, but he'll finish school sooner if he takes 2 classes so he's gonna push through.

Porter holding Bria-He really didn't want anyone else touching her while he was holding her and got mad at Jaidyn when she started making her laugh. It was pretty funny.

Aunt Heather got this adorable rain coat for Bria, perfect for Oregon.

She has a onesie that matched perfectly with it and of course socks. I love matching her little outfits :)

This is just a little video of Bria being her happy self. She was laughing and laughing before this video but of course stopped when I started filming, silly girl.

This Saturday Brian requested a Bria and Daddy Day of Fun so they are going to hang out and do something that day. Not sure what I'll do, I think of calling people to go hang out but then I'm not sure if anyone wants to hang out with me without Bria ;)

The Big Shasta Debate
Brian and I have been discussing Shasta this year. Brian of course wants to go (and already has that week off) and I go back and forth. For awhile I was all about it, but now I just don't know.

Reasons not to go:
1. 7 hour car ride with a 4 month old
2. Extreme heat-In the 90's
3. If she goes on the boat she has to wear a life jacket at all times and I don't think she'll like that.
4. Since all we do is go boating, the other option would be to hang out in my mom and Randy's RV all day while everyone else is on the boat.
5. Sleeping-She'll sleep in the motor home with my mom and Randy, but I'm not sure how well she'll sleep, which means I may not sleep.
6. Stressful-I think it will be really stressful for me. Her not getting her naps will really stress me out, I love her schedule right now.

Reasons to go:
1. It will make Brian happy.

Shasta is an annual thing so I've known it's been coming up, but I just don't know if I'm ready!


Danielle said...

I totally understand where you are coming from with the trip. Tim wants to go to Maine for 4th of July for a few days and the idea of going off the schedule scares me too! Love the video of Bria! Dillon does the same thing with his hands!

Emilie said...

love the first picture of you and bria... too cute!

Oh, guess what... I read the first twilight book, and i think i am hooked. i want to see the movie and read the other books!

Sounds like the trip to shasta will be a lot of work, and not all that much fun wiht a 4 month old...
I dont blame you for having doubts about going.

Marissa said...

I watch a little girl that's about the same age as Bria and she's also started the teething. She's started to stick her fingers in her mouth a lot more too. I try to put something else in her mouth just cause I was a thumb sucker and I don't wish that on any child!

I don't know if Jenny told you but I'm pregnant now, so my time spent watching this little girl will be good preparations for down the road :)

Bria is such a little cutie!! Looks like motherhood is treating you well, you look great :)

I'm gonna be the odd man out and say you should go to Shasta. It may not end up being as bad as you think, plus you'll have extra people there ready to help you with her. I'm also of the mindset that when I'm a momma I want to try hard to not miss out on the things that I would have done without a baby around. Though that opinion may change when I too have a four month old :)

Steph said...

I agree with Marissa, I think you should go to Shasta. It sure looks like a lot of fun, and like she said, you'll have plenty of people to give you a hand if needed. Plus, it would be a great vacation for you and your hubby. But I know it'll cause a lot of stress on yourself, so only you can make that final decision :)

The Beavers said...

You should go! There will always be reasons NOT to go do something...but having a baby doesn't mean you forfeit the fun things in life. You'll find a way to make it work...have naps in the motor home? It always takes a few days to get back to normal once you get home but it would be worth it. You'll have lots of help with her while you are there too. As for the 7 hour might take you 10! But you'll get there:)