Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What the ....

Reese is my sleeper. I LOVE it. She loves her naps, goes down easy, and sleeps all night. In fact, she has been sleeping through the night since she was 6 months old. It's been awesomely fabulous. A few nights ago she woke up a few times and in the morning I realized she had a fever. I looked in her mouth and realized there was a new molar coming in, even though she handled her other teeth somewhat well, these must be causing all sorts of pain. Well, here we are 5 days later and she is still sleeping like poop. During the day she seems to be fine, besides her 2 year old tantrums and occasional neediness. Last night was so sad, she woke up at 11:15 pm or so and did the saddest sobbing cry you ever heard. No matter what we did. And we had given her Tylenol before bed. I went in there I don't know how many times to cuddle her, sooth her, and every time she would calm down and then tell me to go. Seriously. I'm not lying.
Finally at 12:15 am I had enough and couldn't stand to listen to her pathetic whimper cry any longer so I asked her if she wanted to come sleep with us, she said yes. She fell asleep on me for a few minutes then woke up whimpering and crying like she was in pain. She thrashed around and finally fell back asleep on Brian. Then woke up again a few minutes later and wouldn't settle down so Brian rocked her in the chair until she was sound asleep and put her back in her bed where she slept the rest of the night. She was up bright and early before 7 am this morning. She is very needy but overall seems fine. It's a mystery. A mystery I hope is solved today so we can go back to having an awesomelytastic sleeper, cuz that was just all sorts of wonderful.

Aside from sleep issues we are doing well here. We have started working with Bria on tracing letters and numbers. They do it at preschool but since there are 16 kids in her class it's more just a cluster of kids goofing off. Also, our goal for Bria this year was to work on her frustration. She gets frustrated super easy and starts crying. After working with her these last few days I have realized just what a perfectionist she is. When she can't do something exactly right the first time it makes her so discouraged that she wants to give up. So our goal is to reassure her that as long as she tries it's okay if it's not perfect. It kind of works but you try telling her it doesn't have to be's not really that effective to say the least. But she is making progress and we will keep at it.

Brian is busy at work these days, it's a good busy for him. His boss rocks and that makes a big difference. Brian is killing it at work and although it doesn't surprise me, I am beaming with pride. He is just amazing when it comes to thinking outside the box and solving problems, it baffles me daily. I am such a rigid, inside the box kind of person so when he comes up with things I look at him in bewilderment. He is going places.

And now for a little catching up on photos:

On Brian's birthday we brought him chocolate cake for lunch :) The girls were in heaven seeing where their Dad worked.
Future Intel employee

 Last week we had two date nights, wahoo!!! The first was for Brian's birthday, we went to Red Robin (his choice) with the Buell's and then to Target. You know you are good friends when you all want to go cruise Target together after dinner :)
Then on Saturday Heather watched the girls and Brian and I saw a movie.
Movie night!
 The girls currently love doing my hair, and not only does it feel good when they play with my hair, but it reminds me of all the times we sat and did my Mom's hair as little girls.

Bria's version of a braid :)

 And last but not least, I found a bunch of pictures on my phone of Brian and I watching tv, apparently Bria was playing paparazzi :)

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