Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Weekend Fun

Pretty much all I blog about are our weekends, but we don't do anything during the week so that makes sense. Once I'm a SAHM (stay at home mom) I'm sure I'll have plenty to blog about all week long; including poop, breastfeeding, sleep (or lack there of), and ginormous amounts of pictures. However, I won't have as much time to blog :)

Anyway, we had a wonderful weekend as always and Monday came frighteningly fast. Friday we were bummed to receive the news that UPS decreased their tuition reimbursement and are now paying for about 10% of tuition. This came as quite a blow to us as we are already struggling to pay tuition. We brainstormed options but unfortunately struck out everywhere:

1. Student Loans
Negative-You have to take at least 2 classes EVERY term
2. Student Loan from our Credit Union
Negative-same as #1
3. Scholarships
Negative-same as #1
4. Credit Card
Negative-our budget is very tight since I'll be staying at home, tight enough that we don't have extra money for a credit card payment.
5. Pay for it ourselves
Negative-see #4

We feel trapped between a rock and a hard place: On the one hand we've already invested so much money and time (well, Brian's time) in Brian's master's degree and he's so close, just 8 classes away! But on the other hand we don't have the means for him to finish. So we were quite bummed Friday night but made the best of it by baking cookies, watching tv, and laughing together. We also realized that although this is frustrating we are incredibly thankful for Brian's job at UPS and are very grateful for it.
After more research Brian applied for a student loan through Chase so we're hoping that one is our saving grace! It's so important to Brian to finish his master's and because of that it's important to me.

Saturday night we had friends over for dinner and games: Dave and Nate & Amy. We had a good time together and it was fun to catch up. Nate dominated us all at Domino's which was thoroughly deflating-I thought I was getting better, but no. I did win at Skip Bo though! Dave's little girl Scarlette is 1 and although she was with mommy on a vacation with the grandparents, he brought lots of pictures. She is adorable and it made us even more excited to meet our little one.

We are looking forward to this weekend as it includes:

1. A haircut for Lindsey
2. Daddy Boot Camp for Brian
3. Family baby shower
4. OSU Basketball game
5. Shopping for last minute items for Bria
6. Watch Superbowl

It should be a good weekend and inevitably Monday will smack us in the face way too soon.

1 comment:

Emilie said...

Sounds like you are in a tough situation... Hopefully in time he will be able to finish those 8 classes to get his masters.

Sounds like you did have a good weekend though! Thats always nice.

Have fun getting a haircut... I always love to get my haircut...its soo relaxing.